Final Verdict!

That sucks big time. Both me and GJoker have about the same damage to our backs. Be sure to get every opinion you can. Try the steroid shots and physical therapy and chiropractor before you do surgery. The steroid shots helped GJoker but did nothing for me... whereas a chiropractor is my savior. And believe it or not, if I don't ride, my back aches.. a good 2 hour ride, and I'm good for at least 4 days.
(it must be the body position and the stretching)

Be sure to research all the surgical options that there are. They have disc replacements...(all kinds of options there, a new one just came out, it was in Reader's Digest this month), or fusions (which there are about 3 different types of those also).

Good luck, and take care of yourself.. the busa will wait patiently.
You've got BigBS so upset, he's stuttering...
What's up with all those posts?

Sorry to hear about your back...I just hope you get better news with a second opinion, and heal fast no matter what you have to do...
Those doctor's words sounded somewhat like mine's...except he went: "Oh my God! What did you do to mess your back like this?".

Ended up with 2 crushed disks (I think L5 and S1), one pinched (mid-back) and all other vertebraes out of place...other than that, I'm fine!

It sucks in the eyes of everyone...I am grateful every single day for my pain since I was blessed to be alive and even more so to walk out of my accident with no broken bones and no other damage other than those back problems.

Conclusion: you'll live, with some pain...but you'll live. Just be grateful for that and it will be a lot easier to deal with it!
Revlis, You can stop by anytime you want, but Diablobusa is a one man bike!
She won't take kindly to sharing. I 'll just have to go start her up once or twice a week, until I know the best course of recovery, but I do feel better when I ride
(I think it helps me flex my back and take the pressure off the lumbar), so I guess I'll have to get back to it soon! Hey, I'm going to say that to the surgeon and see what he says.

BigBSBusa, Sorry to have upset you that much! I didn't know you would take it so hard!

SmilyPR4U, It's true that pain let's you know your still alive, but I'd rather just have someone pinch me once in a while to remind me that I'm alive.
Glad you survived your accident. The part that sucks, is that I just wasn't being careful about making sure I had ample footing when the bike started falling over.


Back problems always scare me and back surgery even more. I know medicine and surgery has come along way, but the back is so vital to everyday stuff I don't know if I could do it. In fact, I would be trying to go through as many doctors as I needed to so that I could get someone to tell me therapy, medicine of just give it time. Sorry to hear about it, bro, and hopefully surgery won't be the answer!
Do you really mean that?


---> multiple post syndrome
My back has been hurting since I am young.
I had some XRAY went to the chiropractor but only did momentary good.
I wake up in pain every morning. I curl my back like a cat and you can hear some #### cracking stretching and ripping.
Good luck man

If your body is strong, the magnitude of the injury you receive will be less, and the recovery from the injury you receive will be shorter, (never mind the fact that in an instance like this, the possibility of the injury is also diminished.)

That's all, I'm not here to lecture, just to try to help.

Whatever way you go TruWrecks, PT is key. If you try to heal on your least have your doctor recommend a good PT (and a chiropractor if needed). If you get surgery ALWAYS do PT afterwards.
Sorry to hear. I've never had back problems, but have know some good friends who have and definitely take it easy and don't mess it up any worse than it already is. Get better soon.