Fathers Day is coming up

what's he been eye ball'n lately?  lets see a picture of the bike.

pazzo levers
see thru clutch cover
rear sets
leather jacket
new helmet
i think that's my list
We have a Corbin rear seat....and he just got a leather jacket.  I got him the rack for XMAS....here it is.
This pic was taken in Daytona this year.  I'm sure there is a better pic somewhere, but this will have to do for now.

Here's another from the Foothills Parkway in April. Oh...the helmet is new also. Had to replace it after the other one "fell" and got damaged.

Probably all I will get is GRIEF!  
  Think I will plan a ride.  
I thought I'd get the bag to go with the rack he got for XMas.  No?  Yes?

I'm afraid to buy him a part for the bike he may not want.  If John were around to read this he could tell me!  

Planning a ride is a good idea. It's your day after all!