fan switch install


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i put a manual switch on my fan so i can control the on/off myself. wired so i can turn it on even when bike is not running. heres a pic. if anyone is interested i can give details but it would be long. only cost about $15 and about 45min to hour install.

You must have hard wired the fan to the battery, bypassing the ignition... just curious why you did this? Is there some advantage to doing it this way?
ive always drag raced cars with electric fans on 'em. i've found that the easist way to cool the car down after a hard run was to run the fan with the motor not running. i hope what works on a car will work on the bike.
I also dont like it that the bike has to get pretty warm for the fan to come on. now i can click it on when i want.
cooler temps = more hp
Several of us have put in a manual switch - Does you fan still come on with the temp switch or have you bypassed it completely?
MC-it is still hooked with the temp switch as a back up. if i forget and it gets to warm it will still come on. i did it mostly for drag racing or sitting in taffic. i live in tennessee and it gets hot and humid as a mother down here.

heavy-i did the muzzy when i put on my exhaust

when i 1st got the bike i didnt like the fact that the temp guage has no numbers. 1 day i was sitting in traffic on a 100 degree/100 % humidity day and my gauge went to almost 3/4 before the fan came on. im sure the engineers of the bike know its o.k. at that temp but it makes me nervous. now i click it on if it gets to 1/2 way
(saygbye @ May 24 2007,00:58) i hope what works on a car will work on the bike.
Of course it will you of all people should know this... whether its on two wheels or four its still an engine with a radiator with a fan used to disipate heat... Btw my old bike was wired this way as well... worked fine... sort of like with my TT car... i would leave the engine(as apposed to the fan) running as I had a cigarette... i felt that was sufficient time to cool down
If you smoke... theres a technique you can use... if not.. i suppose eating a candy bar or something would take the same amount of time  
Its true I followed the fan mod post and it works just like normal, and you can turn it on at will even with the bike turned off.. mine cost about 5 bucks.. Also have the muzzy fan installed..
all i had to buy was the switch, about $5 but i was takin into account if you had to buy the wire connectors and whatnot. (if you didnt have them laying around like i did) dang parts stores wont let you buy just 1 connector you have to buy a pack of 'em.
(saygbye @ May 23 2007,21:09) i put a manual switch on my fan so i can control the on/off myself. wired so i can turn it on even when bike is not running. heres a pic. if anyone is interested i can give details but it would be long. only cost about $15 and about 45min to hour install.
I would definitely appreciate more details, pics even, if you have any. What amp/type switch, what gauge wire, method of installation. I really want to do this mod before it gets any warmer out.. I am assuming the left side fairing had to come off?
I used a 10amp switch, 16ga wire and 2 kwik splice connectors. I put picks of what I did here:

I did not wire mine so that it would run witht he ignition off, but you'll get the idea.

Okay, I may be asking a real dumb question here, so please be gentle. If the bike is off and you run the fan, doesn't that just cool the coolant in the radiator, and not the motor? Wouldn't you still need the coolant circulating to have any effect on the engine temp?
"This document could not be found" when I click on your link Sean
I just winged it from what I remembered in his thread and it was THE EASIEST mod I've done yet!
I used a 10amp switch, 16ga wire and 2 kwik splice connectors. I put picks of what I did here:

I did not wire mine so that it would run witht he ignition off, but you'll get the idea.


I just bought all my wire and switch today to wire up a switch for my two fans. i am wiring it so that i can turn it on manually (if im in traffic and know i need it) or the temp wil kick them both on if the temp goes up high enough. When i get it done I will show you what i did. I got a little touchscreen switch so i just touch it :thumbsup:
Get the touch switch from AutoZone? I was thinking of gettin that one but wasn't sure how it would work with gloves on. Keep us posted.
Get the touch switch from AutoZone? I was thinking of gettin that one but wasn't sure how it would work with gloves on. Keep us posted.

Haha my roommate just asked me "what if you have gloves on?" yeah im not sure either... ill have to test it and see but ill post it when its done. Another two weeks before i get to it
Maybe you can sew some conductive thread Ito the fingertip of one of your gloves. I forget who it was but someone found that doing this would then allow him to use his iPhone without takin gloves off.