Eclipse tonight don't forget


My Eyes Pain GIF
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View attachment 1681606
I are off school today because of the eclipse.......

I remember being in school the last eclipse and we had to make viewing boxes out of cereal dad was kind of mad that he had to buy a box of cereal so he got the crappiest kind he could those days we used to eat "Puffed Wheat" that he used to buy by the bag-full....
Cern is starting up again later today.
Makes you wonder if the warnings for power and internet outages may hold some truth in Texas(fear mongering has spread it across the veiwing path and beyond).
Only instead of, 'sorry, we knocked out the power with Cern again'(which has supposedly happened before), now they can say 'the eclipse did it'...and people will belive it.
Solar flares and storms are supposedly daily events, but I am supposed to belive that if a large object temporarliy blocks the thing creating these flares or storms...that it could make matters, sorry, I don't like Kool-Aid.
Nasa is no more than a misdirection campaign for taxpayer money.
The money is spent on classified projects, meanwhile the public gets computer generated images and bs stories...kind of like a recent moon landing...