: Curtis and leroy ...............


Curtis & Leroy saw an ad in the Stark-ville Daily News Newspaper in Stark-ville , MS . And bought a mule for $100.
> The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day...
> The next morning the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night."
> Curtis & Leroy replied, "Well, then just give us our money back."
> The farmer said, "Can't do that. I went and spent it already.."
> They said, "OK then, just bring us the dead mule."
> The farmer asked, "What in the world y'all gonna do with a dead mule?"
> Curtis said, "We gonna raffle him off."
> The farmer said, "You can't raffle off a dead mule!"
> Leroy said, "We shore can! Heck, we don't haft a tell nobody he's dead!"
> A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis &Leroy at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store and asked.
> "What'd you fellers ever do with that dead mule?"
> They said,"We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonna do."
> Leroy said,"Shucks, we sold 500 tickets fer two dollars apiece and made a profit of $998."
> The farmer said,"My Lord, didn't anyone complain?"
> Curtis said, "Well, the feller who won got upset. So we gave him his two dollars back."
> Curtis and Leroy now work for the government.
> They're overseeing the Bailout Program.
