Competition & respect

Damn, T-Fox...
Took me a coupla minutes to be able to type this...
Pride and Respect...
Don't see it very often anymore...
Something like this reminds me that all I have done, and what many other Veterans did, and what active service members are still doing is worth it all...
I have, at times, thought the Medals were not so important, and then this reminds me that they were hard earned...
Perhaps I'll take them out of the drawer tonight and give em a good cleaning...
And I suppose it's time to stop being lazy and start putting my flag out each day again...
What the heII...

Thanks T-Fox,


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Very cool. I hit home here!
Good stuff! Reminds me of my grandfather... he goes out every morning and puts up the American flag and brings it down every night!
Dang, that's what I'm talking about. Were all just Americans, give the service guy's the respect!!!!!