
Silver Bullet


I am fairly new to the board as a member, but have visited often while looking to purchase my '03 'Busa. I have a question concerning riding clubs. There were a couple of postings some time back, but I can not find them.

There are 15 of us or so. Riding various bikes. Sport Bikes, Cruisers, Choppers, Hyper Tourers, etc. We started a club and had some patches done. We like them and are excited to add more casual riding members. It has been suggested that we not display or wear the patches, because belonging to an MC club, unless you are hardcore, could be a difficult proposition. We have no desire to show any disrespect or violate any turf, but would like to ride with our logos. The question is if we are nothing more than a true riding MC is it a big problem? Or is it if a difficult situation arises a cool head will prevail?
You should be fine with patches.  Just dont make it look like hardcore. Also research the name so you don't copy another bike club. that will get people pissed.

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There will always be someone there to say you are involved in a gang. Just for wearing the patches. Other people would say it is just fine. It is really up to all of you. You guys should vote.
Should be cool. The old bikes, drugs and rock & roll image is gone for the most part now. There are still some hard core Harley groups, but they tend to have problems with each oter verses anyone else.

However, some areas do have an organizaion to their clubs. They have councils or associations made up of representatives from the various clubs. If that is the case in Indy, and I doubt it, they might give you a little crap about not being "official" without being part of the association. If a council does exist, get involved. That way, other groups will support whatever you do, and you will get invited to participate in their stuff.

Good luck.
Thanks... The responses to this point are pretty much what I had hoped for. Any of you know of how to follow-up and make sure we have not borrowed a taken club name and/or how to see if there is a local association in Indy? Thanks again.