Chat room anyone?


Hi. New user here, but have been reading
the posts the last month or so. Know Todd from a sports car chat room (don't hold it against me hehe) and miss yacking at him
there since he got the busa. So, if people
are interisted we can create a room over on a server at port 6667
and if you have mirc32 or compatable software you can join in. I was thinking of
calling it #busa or whatever the group here
wants to call it. Talked to the owner of the
server and he said it was fine to do it. If enough interest shows up, he will also create a bot for it. Hope to see some of you online there in the evenings... Tom
Ahh that should be fun. Would this chat room be open any time, 24 hrs a day? Correct me if I'm wrong, could we be able to use a microphone as well?, not just typing?
Don't know about fancy stuff like the audio
I don't have a mike connected to my system. But, the room will/would be avalible 24hr. a day. For now, first one to
the site will have to create the room.