Can you see it ...

Its amazing how much light those reflectors absorb. My bikes looks so much shinnier without 'em.

I see the bike looks better with the hump and no bra.

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Just took the rear reflectors off mine Friday. I waited till I knew I would get the nuts out. Did not want the dead weight floating in there. Used a strong magnet to pull them out. No disassemble.
Those frankenstein bolts are mounting points,I'd put em back in or find a shorter bolt that will fit in the recessed hole.
looks really good man, did you do around the steering stem? Did you use the Mothers Billet stuff for polish? A guy down the road said his cousin was polishing his frame for 600.00 (family discount)
how long did it take you? what was the final grit paper you used?
looks really good man, did you do around the steering stem?
What's that? Do you mean just in front of the tank? If so, no I didn't. It did cross my mind though.
Did you use the Mothers Billet stuff for polish? A guy down the road said his cousin was polishing his frame for 600.00 (family discount)[/QUOTE]
I spent less than $30 for the products I used. The only stressing part of this was getting the vertical part of the frame smooth. Once I did that, the rest was easy. I would have been done waaay sooner but I only recently learned of using oven cleaner to remove that clear coating. All I used was 80 to 2000 grit paper and Mother's polish after the 2000. I'm sure if I had paid a pro $600 it would have come out better, but I'm happy with the results and can use the $570 I saved on something else.
how long did it take you? what was the final grit paper you used?[/QUOTE]
In terms of hours put in, I'd say around 10 to 12. But the majority of that was sanding off the clear coating. Using oven cleaner would have killed at least 4 hours.
Final grit I used was 2000. That was the highest I could find.