Call of duty (Black Ops)

About 20 mins ago :thumbsup: This was in team tactical

Yeahhh, your K/D ratio's are going to be a lot higher in demolition and other tac games. I pretty much stick with hardcore deathmatch....

I bounce in the high 1.8x. In just hardcore TD, I'm in the low 2.x
i apologize then, but it seemed that's how it was intednded.:thumbsup:
That's cool, cqtandabunchanumbers with 56 posts wants to jump in here and start abunchoshid and has no idea who is is talking to or what he is talking about. His opinion belongs on the R6 forum.
Jeez, from those pics of your "snow" us here in Wisconsin would still be riding the bike to work! :whistle:
Played against a guy last night named Leroy Jenkins. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If you don't know what that means, search Leroy Jenkins on youtube. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
You are playing against all those 8 year olds that have a snow day too!

Yeah :laugh: and people in europe are online. I love mornings cause they are on and they are pretty bad :rofl: no offense but i speak truth :laugh:

I played against these 14th prestige guys too that talked mad crap to me and i went 26-1. Mustve cheated to be that high and be that bad