California Earthquake!


first thing i did was check my busa, after making sure family was ok.......busa was fine...............zx12 reaction to the test with the pretty scared, eh?
After a 7. something quake what do you do?
1. Change shorts-if this is your first.
2. Scream as you're knocked out of bed.
3. Run for the bathroom!
4. Stand in a doorway!
5. Run for the garage and hold onto your Busa while the house does the freaking mambo!!!

The answer is #5.

Bert Branson
The L.A. Hayabusas

[This message has been edited by Bert Branson (edited 16 October 1999).]
Hope everyone in Southern California and Neveda is ok,all the T.V station is reporting a 7.0.That's the main reason to leave your bike in first gear and also put a small 2*4 block of wood under the rear tire,this will keep the bike from rolling forward and maybe trip the kick stand.My friend who kept his bike in a barn use to put an old twin mattress on both sides of his bike just in case it tipped over from a earth quake.Hope the quakes go away,good luck gals/guys and stay away from the overpasses and bridges until Caltran checks them out,ride safe.
I hope everybody's Busa is OK.

Hurricanes don't bother me much being an easterner. But the ground shaking would scare the sh*t out of me.
If your in or near the epicenter it is plenty
bad. I was in the epicenter in the Whittier
Quake a few years back, No fun at all