Bud Fans

I think I've seen it before...didn't it run during last year's Super Bowl?

Funny stuff!
Michelle, I'm not sure, Germain actually sent it to me last week and I wanted to share.... Took me awhile to locate it on line. First time I saw it had me ROFLMFAO and my coworkers must have thought I was on crack or something.
Hey-Don't get me into this Martin, your love life...Martin said that he and the horse were close in the Marines...and he had mentioned on a WV county backroad during sunset that he and the horse bacame close in Japan...And over the years he wondered what happened to buttercup (butterstuff, butternuts)...and now we know.  "The right click challenged"

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Hey-Don't get me into this Martin, your love life...Martin said that he and the horse were close in the Marines...and he had mentioned on a WV county backroad during sunset that he and the horse bacame close in Japan...And over the years he wondered what happened to buttercup (butterstuff, butternuts)...and now we know.  "The right click challenged"
shhhhh, you weren't suppose to tell......

Dayum......the secret is out.....