bad pic are my chrome screens

I think I get more enjoyment out of doing the wrenching myself. I hate trusting my baby to someone at the shop. It's kind of therapeutic for me.
I agree but I didn't always. I've only wanted to learn to do things myself since buying the busa. I almost called a friend of mine because I was stressing over not being able to get the left fairing back on without scratching it. I went in the house, got the phone, walked outside, looked at my bike and put the phone down. I was determined I was going to do this totally myself. It took a little patience (which was running thin) but I got it back on w/o any problems.

It's very theraputic...almost as much as riding. Not nearly as much fun but theraputic just the same. It's a good feeling.

FYI: I'm in Mass and we just got a couple feet of snow.  
lol, we just got about 14" of that 4 letter word too!  But I feel for you with a couple feet of the yucky stuff!!  Think Spring!  
Good!  You gotta say it with a sorta "Cop Siren" tone.

I dunno, Looks good. And of course I get all awe inspired when I see a Lady Bucking convention and not only riding the busa but wrenching on it as well.  Pretty darned cool.
Thank you. The guys at work call me into the shop once in a while to show me how to do stuff...they get a kick out of me wanting to learn "how". It's pretty bad...when I'm not at my desk I'm usually in the service shop.
It looks great Kris!  I think you did a great job!

I need to get some of those on my Busa too...
Thanks're getting ' soon as I get off my tarkas and sent them out!

BTW, you're one up on me, I haven't changed my own oil YET.
Soon though!

They look great!!!  I know you are proud of yourself girl!!  There's quite a few folks I know that cringe at the thought of just taking the plastic off!! Glad I could help. (inspire) GREAT JOB!!  YOU GO GIRL!!!  



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