Anybody know the current condition...

A little something sent...

Thanks Rub, for taking your time with this
Butter2 was on yesterday(The Org).

Heal up bro... Then we're gonna send ya a treat or 2.

Ooooops...I'm sorry guys and guls...
I updated on my thread only...I supposed to checking around more...anyway, hes okay now...ask me to go out for a dinner the other nite right after I, I couldn't see him...but I'm going to see him in person tomorrow...I almost hit his right side of the ribs with my front wheels that nite...(was about 40 mph...) oh, man...don't even wanna think about it...
I think he is going to get the busa from DC next week, and he said going to take some pics put up in, lets wait, and see what he wants to do...

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