Any Hayabusa Stolen Yet

I had to chime in on this subject. two quick true stories. the first from the Bronx the second from Staten Island NYC.

1) three years ago my friends father (47yrs old) stumbled upon two teens in the process of stealing his vette. He owned a hardware store and had a gun permit (but for the store only). Anyway, he pulled his .32 and warned these kids to stop and get out. They said he'd have to kill them, and started the car. he pumped 4 shots into the car. it rolled to a stop. One of the teens became parapalegic. The kids got 6 months, he got 3.5 years for assult with a deadly weapon, and is now out on parol.

2) A close friend of mine (a 2nd degree in Joju karate) caught and beat the sh*t out of a perp (26yrs old) trying to steal his VMAX. He fractured the guys colar bone, sprained his wrist and gave him a concussion. When the cops came (my buddy called them), the cops put the perp into an ambulance, and my friend into the patrol car. We dont know what the perp got, but get this, aside from the 4 grand my friend spent on laywer fees to get him out of the aggravated assult charges, the perp tried to sue him for the hospital bills. God bless America.

I dont know what the answer is, but it seams that we loose either way. I try to keep a disposible camera on me. If it ever happens that i stumble upon someone in the act, I'll snap away first, and depending on the situation, to protect my properity. Im 6', 210 lbs solid (12% body fat), have been kickboxing for 5 yrs and weight training for 8 yrs. But Im not going to get locked up over a bike. Even if it is my beloved Busa. So if i cant watch it, i'll put it in a parking lot, or chain it. I wont give them a chance to get at it. If i slip up, then I fu**ked up. Just a thought.
Copper, your experiences have made you the most mature one here when it comes to this subject.

It's the same here in Canada. You can't kill, maim or even beat the crap out of someone you catch stealing your property...unless the guy threatens your physical safety.

If someone breaks into your home while you're there, however, you can shoot at will to kill. There is a legal assumption that the perp has a pre-decided intention to do harm to any occupants he may encounter.
We used to have laws almost like this here in Oklahoma but not as restrictive. You could carry a handgun in your car but it wasn't supposed to be loaded. Technically your could carry a semi-auto without a round chambered and just be sure a loaded clip was available to pop in. Then one day someone in the state legislature copped a clue and proposed conceal carry laws which passed EASILY. My wife and I both tested and passed for our permits. Now our residents can continue to protect themselves but now can do so legally. Even before the conceal carry laws most people that felt a need carried whatever protection they felt neccessary anyway. It was only a misdemenor offense and well worth the risk. Texas also passed a conceal carry law as well as a similiar 'Make my Day" law which provides the right to use deadly force if your life is threatened. Maybe someday the left wing in California will wake up too. It was predicted by the anti-gun nuts that blood would run in the streets if provisions were made for citizens to legally protect themselves. Instead crime has gone DOWN and there have been many instances of innocent would be victims protected from harm by criminals.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 18 August 1999).]
Todd thank god some states remember the Bill or Rights and the Constitution,but like I said training and education is the key.Learn to use your weapon/car/motorcycle/what ever and learn the safety issues of these's tools.Anyways Lets get back to motorcycle stuff,Ya hoo!!!Zx what!!!!
I don't know what to tell you guys that don't live TX, OK, TN, FL or the other states that allow concealed guns. In Texas, I usually travel prepared when riding unless in a large group. Too many crazies out there. In Austin last year, we had a guy in a P/U truck try to run Lance Armstrong off the road. I think he got 10 years. Some folks are capable of doing just about anything so you gotta be ready.
I know I'm in for another flaming but here goes.

If you've been reading the paper or watching the news on TV I think you'll notice that a hell of a lot of gun killing is being done by people with no prior criminal record. They're just the guys, gals, and kids next door who wake up one morning real pissed off at someone or some group.

So they decide its Dirty Harry time. The rest is easy. Go to the well stocked gun cabinet, pick out something nice and nasty plus plenty of ammo, then go find the cheerleader, stockbroker, relative, dock foreman, person of color, camper, ...., they don't like and kill them.

The US has 25% of the entire world's prison population, 1.8 million prisoners, but that's not stopping our friendly well armed neightbors from gunning down whoever they decide to.
Sherm, not to get into the gun debate, but I have to respond. I too agree there are a bunch of guns out there, but if you ban all the guns only the crooks would have them. The only thing that keeps most of the crooks out of your house at night is the thought that there may be a gun inside. What we need as a nation is a comprehensive gun control law that requires enforcement of the laws already in effect and that anyone wanting to buy a gun be required to under go a background check AND firearms training. I also, don't see much point in the sale of assualt rifles. There, how's that for somewhere in the middle of the road on an issue?
Yeah...He caught the guy after calling in back up and canvasing thr neighborhood. I was in Thousand Palms when it happeded. That is what took me by surprise. I would have never figured it to crime ridden. After I got off of the bike...He had me run in the opposite direction and when I was far enough away...He climbed on tucked the gun in his trousers and rode off. SUCKED TO BE A VICTIM. But luckily because I was smart enough to turn the gas off...and He was studip enough to not know why in the hell he was out of gas with almost a full tank showing...I got the bike back...Ill stay here in TX from now on...Just to be safe...
When you say u cut the gas off, r u refering to the factory cutoff switch (red switch on the throttle), or is it something else?? If you have a gas cut off mechanism in place, please describe it. thnx
Copper I don't think it was a Hayabusa that was stolen from Slurpee but another bike since as you know we have no on/off/res switch for our bike,as for my friend who got his bike jacked in Oakland it was a custom built Harley worth over $20,000.What they did was follow him on the freeway and boxed him with their car,"can't figure that one" but the gun came out and he jumped off the bike and ran.Criminals have no gun control laws they are happy to see this law that we have in California that says if you carry a gun in your car you have to remove the bullets from the gun/clip and a gun trigger lock should be on the gun plus the gun must be in a locked case and also the bullets and gun must be seperated and your gun should be in your trunk of your car.Thank god that the Nissan Altima has a door in between the back seat to the trunk.Some kind of fighting chance you'll have against the bad guys.
These are the reasons you insure your bike.

No piece of metal or anyones life is worth sitting in jail for. If somebody wants your bike bad enough they will get it, if they threaten my life to get it they will lose theirs in the effort, life is precious so live like it is.

When I was a kid you went to the hill and battled it out fist against fist, now people are just to quick to NOT THINK. This is what happens when the population grows as fast as it does.

It is not the guns it's the people that are wrong.

Support the NRA, do not let what happened in the UK and Australia happen here.
Here in Georgia they have very relaxed gun laws. Kennesaw, GA. has a law on the books that states all homeowners must own a gun. You can legally carry a weapon in your vehicle as long as it is in plain site. We still have pick-ups with gun racks in the window. Gun laws are worthless at this point. The Brady bill made it illegal for felons to attempt to purchase firearms. Of over 200,000 attempts made by felons to purchase handguns, not 1 was ever tried in court. So I am a firm believer in "Peace thru Superior Firepower". There is nothing I own which is worth dying for... Criminals best have the 2nd chance vest on when breaking into my house. If my 150lb Rottweiller doesn't get some, the 185 grain +P+ HP from my 45 or 00 buck 3" Magnum from the gauge will introduce the perp to Jesus. Keep'em in the 10 ring!!!!
Just my 2c's but I agree with Kawabuser, it's not the guns but the people who are wrong, or more probably the environment in which they were bought up. I'm originally from England and had several experiences there with cars being stolen and my house broken into. It is one of the worst feelings to have one of your prized possessions stolen but in the end it is just a possession and not worth dieing for or spending the foreseeable future in prison. Threats to yourself or others is a different matter and I say gloves off and lay into the b@st@rd !

On a lighter note I now live and work in Japan, where the majority of crime is business extortion and hits between different organised crime groups. I have seen Mercedes cars parked outside of station here unattended with the keys in the ignition and the engine running, no-one cares !! My busa is left unchained and does not have an alarm. All I have to worry about is crazy drivers and how to get to the twisties, just as it should be. Sorry that you all have to worry about theft, but on the bright side you do have longer straighter roads than here to get to that 200MPH !!
In many murder cases it is the guns, not the people. Do you think the Columbine High massacre would have happened if the two perps did not have access to guns? Do you think those two wierdos would have walked into the high school with baseball bats and machetes? Take away the guns and those poor victims would still be alive. Same thing with stock broker murders in Atlanta. And that's the case with most (but not all) gun killings. No gun no killing.
It sure feels nice and safe here in Vancouver after hearing all your stories. ALL guns must be registered here, so we don't have that many troubles. I always insure my bike for more than its worth. It costs extra but if it gets stolen, I don't have to worry about the depreciation. I could still afford a brand new bike then. So really, I would benefit from it instead of dealing with guns and charges and layers. I'm also a pretty easy going guy though. I've had too many run ins with the law to end up in court over something stupid.
Sherm take away the BMW car that the kids used and the guns/bombs would have never made it to the school.You can hurt more people with a 5 gallon can of gasoline placed in the right place or use a stolen bus/truck/airplane,bottom line people kill people,don't blame the tools.A sick person can poison a whole water system and kill more people than a gun can.Don't blame the tools,Fix the school systems,Fix the justice system and enforce the laws on the books.Look around you and you see people doing stupid stuff that can kill you,talking on cell phone while driving,not using signal while changing lanes,running red lights.Lets get back to motorcycle issue and do our gun issue on the NRA website.One other thing news on TV or in the paper gives one sided view of guns,I never read anything good in any major newspaper which states a law abiding person stopped a crime with the use of his own self defense firearm,never believe anything you read and make sure you gather all the facts,it will make you a better person.All I want from this posting is have we had any Hayabusa Stolen and where.Thanks
People kill People,the tools of destruction just sits there doing no one harm,may it be a gun,car,knife,bomb,hammer,bus,airplane,etc.
So lets step back and see what causes people to go crazy and commit these crimes,is it drugs,booze,no love from within a family,there are many unanswered question on why someone would kill just for killing sake.I grew up around guns and when ever I got into a fight way back when it was you against me fist fight and if I lost I lost,I didn't go home and get a gun to get rid of you,that was the way it was,yes there was cowboys and indians on tv killing each other or bad cartoons with charaters hammering each other to death or blowing each other up but that didn't make me want to do those things,I grew up christian but I do not push it on anyone else,but I notice that this country has being going down hill when they took prayer out of school and prayer was a choice in my school if you wanted to or not.I was taught right from wrong by a single parent my Dad who also raised five other kids,we had no mom but my dad did the best he could and if it wasn't for the church I think we would have traveled a different path.If you put a bunch of kids ages three years old of different races together they would not fight with each but as they get older and are being taught by their parents they will pick up the good and bad habits that the parents have,so if you hate people of race or of differnet life style your child will also pick that personality up also.So the best you can do is the teach right from wrong,good and evil and give the kid the love and attention they need.As for guns assault weapons there is no different between a Mini-14 ranch model and a colt AR-15 same round 223 same gas fed simi-auto same clip fed.It's the name that sounds killing,any gun will kill from 22cal on up,even a pellet gun can kill,or a nail gun.If you want a good Assault weapon and the best get a shot gun with bird shot followed by a slug shot followed by another bird shot followed by a slug and so on.A 7mm will take you head off just as much as a 308 or a 30 odd 6.So bottom line is enforce the laws that are already on the books cause more laws does not make it a safe country.You can have all the laws in the world but if you don't enforce it what's the use.Take away peoples choice and you no longer have a free society,like you said we don't need assault weapons,we also don't need super fast bikes like the Hayabusa,the law of the land is 65mph nation wide and up to 70mph,so why do we need these fast bikes.
Because it is our choice to have it and if they make it and we do not harm anyone with our Hayabusa it's our choice.Remember the old saying if it looks bad/mean it must be bad/mean.Remember crime has no color barrier.So in closing think twice before posting and get your facts straight and remember it's for the safety of our kids and good old family value.$20 worth.