Saiid, maybe I'm not quite understanding you, but it sounds like you're saying we, the Americans, "had it coming" for this film. Who cares where the film-maker is from, or even where the film was made... It sounds like you're saying that we have a duty to abridge our First Amendment rights in order to prevent hurt feelings in other countries thousands of miles away, and if we fail to do so, then it's okay for others to kill us in return. We should have known better, right? Do hurt feelings justify murder?
Is that what you're saying?
Unless your name is Hatfield or McCoy Hurt feelings never justify murder. I'm in a way saying that to allow folks like this guy to make films like this with basically only one result is bringing it upon us. Why allow him or anyone from any race or religion to make a film in our country that will only result in more hatred toward us? That I don't understand. First amendment freedom of speech and all that he's entitled to but it still doesn't seem right to allow it. Truth be told and funny thing is that if he was in another country making movies bringing anger toward us a predator drone probably would have taken him out