Another beheading, Armstrong

Now that make sense why Saddam was not removed from power the first time around by Bush Sr. Hate to admit it, but it's is a valid point. Just like the Soviet Union when it existed. All of the Baltic states were under control.

I don't agree with the assessment of the non-military personnel there. I don't think that they are greedy. I remembered Nick Berg was a reported humanitarian. I think anybody that accepts work there are there for a humanitarian reasons whether they are getting big $$$ or not.

I seriously doubt that we are still there to help them. Not mainly at least. They got oil and we want it. If it means that we are suppose to help them by rebuilding their country and infastructure, then so be it. They have all the reason to accept help, their sh*thole of a country is in shambles. But they call us oppressors, infindels, etc....

I, myself, was tinthering between support and opposition of us going there. But seeing how this is turning out, I in full support of nuking the place and be done with it. Let their Allah sort it out.

One other thing: Please do not compare those scums to dogs. Dogs by nature are generally gentle, affectionate, loving animals. I love dogs. These scums are nothing more than parasites that is just wasting O2. I would pay good $$$ to get my hands on one of these phuckers in a dank basement, a table of knives, pliers, rusty hacksaw, needles to show them what torture is that they seem to adore. By the way, I'll need a doctor to keep the phucker alive for 2 weeks, don't want the phucker to get away so easily by dying. Death is just too kind and gentle for what these scums deserve, death can wait.

Lastly about the Muslims: Yeah, so why don't we see any public support for us? Don't say that it's not a us vs. the Muslim thing. Of the very few hostages they've actually released, they've all been Muslims. Including that Arab background U.S. Marine. Let's get this straight: The middle-east muslims don't just hate the U.S.... They hate everybody. They've beheaded English, Italians, Koreans, Tibetans (a widely recognized peaceful group of folks), etc... I'm not white, but if these scumbag savages were, we call them Nazis. I don't believe ALL Muslims are like that, but I got a feeling 70% of middle-eastern / Arab/Iraq/Iran, etc.... are. I can feel bad about the 30% innocent ones that are caught in the middle, but not as good as I would feel if the 70% are exterminated.
And yes all Muslims are not terrorists but if you do your studying you will find their "religion" dictates that if you are a true worshiper it is your DUTY to kill all non believers. And to add to this nonsense you then become some sort of hero (martyr) in the afterlife with 50-some-odd virgins if you do so. This is fact friends.
I am no expert, but I have had muslim friends here in the US, and I have even been to muslim religious services. I have never heard that they believe a true believer should kill all non-believers. That is something that I would like to see. They have one guide, just like Christians do. If you can point me to a section in the Quoran that says this, I would definately learn something today. At the same time, I have heard many Christians try to use the Bible to justify slavery, bigotry, sexism, etc. Its all about interpretation.

I definately want us to win and get the hell out of there, but I also realize that we started this poop, and someone here should be held accountable. There weren't any weapons threat, and it is clear that we are not liked over there. So we went in uninvited, unliked and unwanted. I guesss we were just going to make them accept our help, while we ignore much worse human rights issues in other parts of the world.

No, it was all about oil, money, and perhaps a little revenge for an attempted assacination. We kicked some ass and took some names. We shouldn't expect to be liked over there. They never wanted us there in the first place. We are only staying there to keep up this farce about helping the people. The American people actually believed we were going there to stop nuclear and biological weapons. Now we are being sold that we have saved the Iraqi people and we are now helping them. Who cares if they don't want us.  If we just left,  certain politicians wouldn't look very good, and our alterior motives would become more clear. As Americans, we love the good life, but we have a hard time facing the reality of what it takes to keep it this way.

We need to strike a decisive blow to the extremists and radicals over there and get out. Next we need to figure out how to stop this from happenning again. We were fed a lot of fear inducing crap. Of course once we were in, we must support our troops. But we need better reasons to put American people in harms way.

Just my .02. OK, maybe that was about .08
They just announced the murder of another hostage. While I am against "killing them all", I would support killing 5 of the prisoners they want freed for each hostage they kill. those prisoners are clearly connected to this. If they were innocent, they can blame the terrorists for involving them.
What I don't understand are these suicide bombers, WTF are they thinking. Don't they realize that is Allah is so powerful, then why doesn't he do his own dirty work. and in saying that, is Osahma is such a believer of the cause, how come he hasen't strapped one on himself(for the Cause)? Funny how they preach to people about doing it for Allah and yet they aren't willing to do it for him.

I say we just bury about 10 nukes around their country, pull all of our people out, wait a year and detonate. Tell them it must have been Saddams stash going off.
NO we cant nuke em. I need all that oil to make gas for my toys. Looks to me like we are fighting for second place again like Viet Nam. Its time to get serious about it before anymore of our people die.
They just announced the murder of another hostage. While I am against "killing them all", I would support killing 5 of the prisoners they want freed for each hostage they kill. those prisoners are clearly connected to this. If they were innocent, they can blame the terrorists for involving them.
Now THAT idea I like.

for every one hostage they kill, we kill 5 that we are holding in custody.

sounds fair to me..

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To win a war in a country that believes whole heartedly that they are right, we had to bomb the hell out of, the Germans, and the Japanese. We had to break their spirit. Smack the crap out of them until they give up for good. After the war part is over you have to occupy and disarm the entire country. No weapons, no explosives, nothing. This hasn't been done yet. And that's why we're having problems now.

I say to hell with ' up the Alaskan oil fields, the Rockies, and start offshore drilling in Cali, and the Gulf of Mexico, and stop buying oil from them altogether. I hear Africa has a lot of oil...
Not all Muslims are the same. I work with many Muslims and for the most part they will tell you that the people doing these deeds are crazy and that they should be killed. They do not represent Muslims as a whole.  But I do agree something should be done.  Well thats my 2 cents everyone in that nasty land be safe and come home.
Decklin -

No disrespect meant to you in anyway, but you mention you work with people who are Muslims and you said "for the most part" they will tell you the people doing these deeds are crazy.

The problem I have, are your Muslim co-workers helping us? are they going out and publicly rallying in support of what we are doing?

We don’t have any Muslims that I have ever seen make public appearances in large groups supporting what we are doing.

No do I see any Muslims doing public demonstrations denouncing what these murderers are doing.

Right now we need Muslim support. We need there public support. Guess what? We are not getting it.

Tell your Muslim co-workers that if they really feel these are crazed people, tell them to help us. Ask them to please rally together the Muslim community and make a loud outcry that can be heard around the world that Muslims are pleading for this to stop.

Guess what? I doubt very seriously they will do it.

Bottom line, terrorist have turned this into a Christian Dog V’s Muslim issue. Which it isn’t, but it is another psychological warfare strategy that is working well.

Muslims don’t dare speak out publicly about what there “Muslim†brothers are doing. They would be ridiculed, there is a fine line between regular Muslim and radical Muslim.

Blood is thicker than water, and in the end, you are either Muslim or you are not.

If I am wrong, then lets start seeing Muslim’s helping us out. We need their support more than ever. I beg them to prove me wrong.
I honestly did not have to look far for the following. In fact I just went to hat Liberty Unite site to see the video. I started reading the posts on their disscussion board and found the following.

How can they claim them selves muslims?

I completely disagree with what the terrorist group is doing in iraq to the hostages. They claim them selves to be muslims, yet they contradict that with there actions. Islam is about peace and brotherhood, it is not about killing others (like they do sheep, which is disgusting and disreligious) and claiming god wishes you to do so. These men are NOT muslims, they use it as a cover, a way of making things seem right for the recruits. Which out a motive, what is left? These boys recruited are brought up to belive in god all mighty and to praise him, but when these taliban and god knows who get their hands on them, they literally brain wash then ( i know this for a fact) and change their fews on what islam is, and that they are doing the right thing. I my self am a muslim, and i spit in the faces of those men who call them selves muslims. They are a disgrace and will burn in hell. The worst part of it, is that others come to believe muslims as killers and terrorists, when the religion is nothin like that, i just wanted to point that out.

Thank you for reading,


It is important for future peace and harmony that we realize that there are extremists in all religions and political parties. So why don't more US muslims speak up? Why don't they come out and march? First of all, they have the same rights that other US citizens have. They simply don't have to if they don't want to. Secondly, they don't have to agree with the political philosophy that has us over there. Plenty of Americans don't. But that doesn't make them anti-American, and it doesn't make them our enemy. And third, most of the protests are against muslims in general and do not distinguish the terrorists and extremists from other muslims. It would actually be a dangerous for them to join a public protest. A mob mentality quickly develops. For example, When the US was attacked by Japan, thousands of Japanese American citizens were attacked in the streets. And how long were all Vietnamese mistreated and called gooks?

I say hate the enemy, but eliminate the blind ignorance so that we can see exactly who the enemy is. These enemies are muslim, but muslims are not our enemy.
I say to hell with ' up the Alaskan oil fields, the Rockies, and start offshore drilling in Cali, and the Gulf of Mexico, and stop buying oil from them altogether.  I hear Africa has a lot of oil...
you dont have to go that far BIG 0....

Alberta (a province in Canada) has a poop load of oil....

hav a greasy 1.....RSD.
1. The site that has the " horrible video" wont let me see it unless I give them money. That is totally fucked. They are making money off this poop.

2. All this PROPAGANDA . Everyone thinks they are right,because of something they saw on the news,were told by some type of PRIEST,learned in a predjudiced enviroment, read in Time magazine, or learned from Cpl Smith-Wesson (who heard the rumour from Pvt Jack Shitt ) .
I think everyone is brainwashed. US,THEM,WE....

3. I personally would be LESS THAN HAPPY to have my loved one go off to some foreign land to uphold some Big-Brother belief.
There were dozens of countries that went to war against the Nazi's. It was a clear an' noble DUTY.
Lots went to war in Korea. Same again.
There were fewer for Vietnam. (hint,hint)
There were fewer still for this Desert/Oil/Suddam/Etc poop.

I think you gun tottin' , big-brother playin', Yankee bastids are totally NUTS.

You are willing to send yer sons/daughters off to some baren desert shithole to fight for whats right....

right in who's eyes..... ?

the common man
the vatican
the president
the congress
the Allah believers
the Allah haters
the oil users
the hayabusa riders

its right in who's eyes .
There is no other way -   Kill 'em all, let God sort them out.  
(Old Testament style)    
what if you an yer "Old Testacles" are wrong thou....

what if its all ALLAH.

what if its all Pagonism.

what if its all Wiccanism.

what if its all Buddism.

what if its all Hinduism. Taoism. Rastafarianism.


who's right ?

personally,myself, I'd like to go with...... common sense.
Points well spoken by all. Somebody answer this: If we thought that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, why haven't we found them?
Secondly, since N. Korea admittedly proclaimed their weapons capabilities and a leader who is walking a tight rope with the propensity to do the "unthinkable"... why didn't we do poop about this? Sure, we had a few summits to try to resolve some issues, but who was actually the greater threat at the time?


Points well spoken by all.  Somebody answer this:  If we thought that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, why haven't we found them?

If I knew, I'd be rich...

But, I would like to point out that each and every time the UN was going to go in and check for WMD, they gave Saddam months to prepare...

"Hey, we're coming in 2 months..."

"Hey, time's ticking away...just 45 days 'til we check you out..."

"Hey, we were going to stop by and check things over today, but we're giving you another two weeks..."

Is it is out of the question to guess that a neighboring gov't/country is housing Saddam's stash? I think if the UN's going to check for WMD, they should conduct SURPRISE checks...but, that's just me...
Well, we'll just have to wait and see I guess. Wouldn't surprise me if either two things happen just before the elections: 1.) We SOMEHOW happen to find the WMD's. 2.) We SOMEHOW happen to find Osama BinLaden. I'm sorry, but our government has shown it's bureaucratic a$$ since the 60's. I'm like RSD, I don't feed into media hype like most people. I'm a realist and take things as they are. You all know the old saying... "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..."

I just don't have anything to add to this thread...That vid is horrible...
Points well spoken by all.  Somebody answer this:  If we thought that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, why haven't we found them?
 Secondly, since N. Korea admittedly proclaimed their weapons capabilities and a leader who is walking a tight rope with the propensity to do the "unthinkable"... why didn't we do poop about this?  Sure, we had a few summits to try to resolve some issues, but who was actually the greater threat at the time?

Answer to your question:

First off. Just because we (nor anyone else) has found WMD does not mean they didn’t nor still do exist.

The U.N has publicly stated that they have not found evidence that WMD exist, however they have public stated. Most of his energy programs were dual purpose and could have easily ben converted to weapons programs and the U.N. even agrees that they are confident that if Saddam stayed in power, once the heat was removed and our attentions were elsewhere, he would have pursued a weapons program.

We did find by chance a complete fighter aircraft that was buried in the desert. I am not sure how we found it. But Saddam buried it to hide it.

I think we stumbled upon it.

Saddam himself was found in a hole in the ground.

Saddam had and has elaborate underground facility’s with tunnels (He liked being underground).

Now, I believe I have hear Iraq is the size of California (or something to that affect).

While he might not have had a LARGE weapons program, but a small weapons program I think could have been easily hidden in an area the size of California.

Now, as far as why did we attack Iraq on the chance he HAD WMD’s and we don’t attack Korea when we KNOW they have WMD (nuclear).

Exactly. Read what you all wrote and what I just wrote and you have your answer.

Everyone agrees that if Saddam didn’t have powerful strike abilities, he would have. We hit him before he had that ability to ultimately save lives.

We hit him fast, we hit him hard, we eliminated the future threat.
We were able to strike without fear of a full blown nuclear war.

Korea? We waited too long. The president in Korea is a freak, a psycho, we do anything, he WILL use nukes. And who will get hit first? All of the neighbors.

So if we don’t watch out step and be very very carefull, a full blown war will erupt, and the United States wont pay, all of the U.S’s allies will because they are closer.

We don’t need that guilt, nor responsibility and in the worlds eyes we look bad enough the way it is.

You saw the results of Iraq, we went in and took em out quick

I guarantee you North Korea would not be the same. Hey will use everything they have, and trust me, they have a lot and they can do a lot more damage than Iraq ever could have thought about.

Plus our troops are spread too thin as it is. We need more troops in Iraq, but if we send more troops to Iraq we will weaken other areas.

We need a larger military, we need more money for a larger military and the people don’t want it.

The Unitaed States citizens want protection, they want to go to their football games and their soccer games and their baseball games, they want to play with Suzy rotten crotch but they want a small government, they don’t want to pay taxes.

Every swinging male part in the United States wanted to know WHY the government didn’t do more to prevent 9/11, they wanted answers, they wanted someone’s head on a chopping block, relatives are suing the government, suing the airlines, suing whomever they can to make people pay for not doing a better job of protecting them.

We had a 9/11 panel to find out what went wrong, to dry to hold someone accountable.

And now we ARE trying to be proactive, trying to NOT get caught with our pants down, trying to ensure the safety of US citizens, people are screaming!!!

The best way to ensure we don’t get attacked again on US soil is to kill the enemy on their own grounds. Guess where our current threat is coming from people? The middle east, guess who attacked us? Middle eastern people. Afghans, Saudis.

We are where we need to be to prevent further attacks.

And to be honest with you all. North Korea hasn’t done anything to us. We should just leave them alone for now.

Iraq attacked one of our allies, Iraq hated the United States. Iraq was NOT complying with UN Sanctions. Iraq was a way bigger threat than Korea.

Korea wants to be left alone, they do not have a desire for world dominance. China keeps them in Check. If Korea stepped out of line China would be one of the first to put them back in place.

And with Korea, due to politics, the worlds attitude and just the way things are, we will more than likely have to wait for a first strike from Korea before we can do anything.

Hope this might have helped to give you some possible insight as to why we attacked Iraq and why we HAVENT attack Korea.

Oh yeah.. disclaimer.. this is all speculation on my part. You know.. wild guess’s and putting two and two together. Etc Etc. Not inside information in anyway..

I would like to try to add something here. BA hits the nail on the head. We claimed WMD.
--Inspectors were over there for a long time, and basically found nothing.
--They didn't get a whole lot of cooperation, but how much would you cooperate if Russia was over here inspecting us?
--We demanded that Sadam turn them over immediately! He said he didn't have any. We said turn them over or else! He didn't. If he didn't have any, how could he turn them over?
--We called him a liar, said we had compelling evidence of a clear and present danger (key words apparently).
--We attacked Iraq.
--No weapons were found. Our mission suddenly turned humanitarian. We were suddenly there to save the Iraqi people.
--We admit that no weapons were there, but say, 'that guy was evil anyway."
--The oil is just a coincidence.....right?

I work for a company that makes lots of technological products used by the military. Many are being used in Iraq right now. You would be amazed at the technology that is out there. The Iraqi military never stood a chance...never knew what hit them. We can gather so much intel without Iraq even knowing that it boggles the mind. I feel pretty confident that we would have been able to figure out conclusively whether there was a real weapons program in Iraq before going in. We have been wtching Iraq for years. If they moved their entire program, it would have had to be 1 truckload at a time.

BA brings up an excellent point regarding Korea. I am not an expert here, but my understanding is that North Korea does NOT have nuclear weapons yet. They have a program to develop weapons, and it is predicted that they will have them in a few years. They denied it for a while. Now they make no bones about it. So I ask the same question as Brian, "why don't we attack them?"

Now take the humanitarian issue. There are a bunch of tyrants out there, torturing their people, ethnic cleansing type shid, etc. Just look at history. We condem these people verbally, but we only go in when it suits us economically, or politically. I'm not calling this wrong, but I don't pretend that we are saving the world and that everyone is evil and we are good. The truth is that most others are weak, and we are strong, and we intend to maintain that descrepency, and our standard of living at all cost.

Thats why we went to war. The American people don't have the stomache for that realism, so the politicians have to fabricate a lot crap to keep everything smelling good for us.
Points well spoken by all.  Somebody answer this:  If we thought that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, why haven't we found them?

If I knew, I'd be rich...

But, I would like to point out that each and every time the UN was going to go in and check for WMD, they gave Saddam months to prepare...

"Hey, we're coming in 2 months..."

"Hey, time's ticking away...just 45 days 'til we check you out..."

"Hey, we were going to stop by and check things over today, but we're giving you another two weeks..."

Is it is out of the question to guess that a neighboring gov't/country is housing Saddam's stash?  I think if the UN's going to check for WMD, they should conduct SURPRISE checks...but, that's just me...
she's a smart cookie....isn't she....

I gotta stop spending all my time doing this


an' get back to this
sum skooling

hav a well thought 1.....RSD.