2005 Busa for real.

If that's real, it seems like it's losing some of it's stealthy-look...it doesn't flow from front to back like the original...
I think it looks more rounded in profile like the Vstrom than angluar like the 1K. Looking at the entire front fairing, and not just the headlight. Maybe it's just the lighting playing tricks, but the fairing between the front turn signal and the grip looks very rounded to me.

But I do think it resembles the Vstrom "a little" like I said. I doubt it will ever be confused with one. My 2 cents
How reliable is this source?
Do we really know??
I am not sure I like the front end either. But better suspension, lighter weight, heck yeah!!! Not to mention possibly more displacement (per the Japanese source), that would be nice (or maybe not - just means even higher insurance rates).

But as far as the source, if this is a hoax it is pretty elaborate to set up a rather large site with a fake magazine cover just to screw with us. I think it is real, or should I say that the picture on the magazine is real. Now whether or not it is based upon accurate information, who knows but I bet dollors to donuts that it is pretty darn close to what it will actually be.
would seem to me that the body work wouldnt change.but engine hmmm not buying the new body work doesnt seem right to change it aero wise!?
If that's the new busa front end, the busa is dead as far as I'm concerned after 2004. It does NOT need new styling... Leave the body the fug alone and mess with suspension and engine, dammit!
If that's the new busa front end, the busa is dead as far as I'm concerned after 2004. It does NOT need new styling... Leave the body the fug alone and mess with suspension and engine, dammit!
I totally agree with you train. The busa is still the badest looking bike around.They just need to rev up the engine.
I am glad they are updating it and not letting it fall to the waste side... I think this is for real... I have seen the weight loss posted on sh.org a few months back as well. Things seem to be becoming consistent on the new 2005.

I won't get the new bike though... the upgrades appear to be minor and I am sure I could bolt-on any changes I do like...
If that's the new busa front end, the busa is dead as far as I'm concerned after 2004. It does NOT need new styling... Leave the body the fug alone and mess with suspension and engine, dammit!
I'm in total agreeance too! This bike is hands down the most beautifully styled bike out there.....DO NOT change the styling PLEASE! Just enhance the fug out of the engine and suspension.

Oh yeah.....AND make an all black one.....please.


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Just to let you know the article does say that the piture is computer generated ,and they are going from people who have seen the bike .The bike will be launched ay the Sept Munich show !!
Calm down everyone, lets wait and see...  The Busa is a strong seller for Suzuki and if we have learned anything, it's that Suzuki doesn't tinker at random...  Just look at the Katana...  Tweaked but still the same...

Besides, I think the comuter generated is out there a bit... We'll see...
