2005 Busa

I don't know WTF that guy is smoking ?? Pretty sure that's an '02 model.
yea he is 16 and has a aprilla rs50

"2005 Suzuki Hayabusa
Photos: 1
Info: Now this IS the BEST BIKE IN THE WORLD of a top speed of over 200mph (restricted of speedo that goes up to 180mph) I WANT ONE!!!!!"
yeah no stickers or reflectors??? whats the deal?
Yeah makes since for Suzuki to release the mighty 05' less than
3 months after the 04'. That's the best way to encourage sales.
Makes alot of since.
Its a 2002, Ive got a 03 in same colors, the 03 has gold nitride coated fork sliders, the 02 has standard chrome