Not bad for your first time out! Let me know if you have any questions?
Some pointers for your next trip out:
You need to get your weight down and forward! Practice in your garage before you go to the track. Get all the way up against the tank and sit in the tucked position. Don't LAY on the tank but put your belly on the lower part of the tank.
Also when you launch, try and squeeze together with your legs to keep you from sliding back! Your new seat will help but you still might have to do it some to keep from sliding back and causing you to wheelie!
What RPM are you launching at?
You should be holding the RPM's around 3,000-4,000 sitting on the line. Let the clutch out just enough to start to grab but NOT grabbing and stage like this. Since you have a hair before the clutch engages this will help you a lot when the light goes green.
Now hold that position until the THIRD yellow and launch on the THIRD YELLOW! Don't wait for green! By the time you see the third yellow and go it will already be green.
Now once you launch DON'T POP THE CLUTCH! Feed the clutch out slipping it just a little, keeping the RPM's NOT BELOW 4,000! You should be smooth enough with the clutch and throttle that you leave the line NOT dropping the RPM's(bogging) and not spinning the tire or wheeling! That is the perfect launch.
The main thing you want is the clutch out and full throttle as soon as possible!
Go out to a secret spot and try this a few times before you go to the track. Just remember DON't POP the clutch! You will either wheelie or spin the tire. Just be quick and smooooooooth!
Once you get this down you should 60' in the low 1.7's to high 1.6's launching correctly. Once you get that down your 330' should be around 4.3-4.4 and that should be enough to get you in the 9's ALL STOCK!
DO NOT USE THE CLUTCH LEVER! You may have to on the First to Second gear shift but every other gear NO CLUTCH! Keep your foot against the shift lever and when it is time, just crack the throttle for a millasecond and shift(immediatly back to FULL THROTTLE)! You can try this just riding around normally. If you do it properly you will get a butter smooth shift! Doing this I picked up almost .2-tenths and 3-4 MPH just by NOT using the clutch!
Also what are you shifting at?
Not all tach's read the same! My tach will actually indicate 11,200 RPM's when fuel cutoff is actually 10,850. If you already know when fuel cutoff is on your tach, you want to shift just before that point! Take the RPM's as high as you can WITHOUT hitting the REV limiter! This will get you a couple more MPH and maybe a .1 or .2 if your not already doing it.
The main thing is practice.....practice.......practice......
Have fun and be safe!
P.S. From the times you posted, just doing these few things you should be able to knock your times down in the 10.2's @ 138-140 MPH! With a little more pracitce you could see 10.00 or 9.9's @ 140-143MPH!