Caesar - 2003 Hayabusa

2003 Hayabusa - most abused Hayabusa on the oRg!! The pink accents were all thanks to members here.......

Latest reviews

Pros: Lowered just enough to make it look nice.
Nice turn signal setup.
Cons: None
Loving the turn signal setup and action shot! Being from Florida, I’m not sure I could keep up with you at the dragon Vabs! Caesar might leave Snow White in the dust.
Pros: Excellent profile and asthetics
Cons: Too low to use a Bursig Stand :(
Caesar is an awesome scoot. Only thing missing is a set of quick release seat pins to set the whole package off!
Pros: Great accent color. Love gen 1
Cons: None
That is a heck of an action shot!


An immaculately presented , tastefully detailed Gen 1 . A much loved ride of a most respected and endeared core member of the Org . This bike has huge Org history , and 'CAESAR' is well loved by all and definitely a legendary Org . Hayabusa .:thumbsup:
An immaculately presented , tastefully detailed Gen 1 . A much loved ride of a most respected and endeared core member of the Org . This bike has huge Org history , and 'CAESAR' is well loved by all and definitely a legendary Org . Hayabusa .:thumbsup:
I think the guys here just love him, more than they should LOL Thanks ROADTOAD1340 - he's been good to me for 14 years. Can't imagine not having him!
I like the pink dingle balls but you might as well put a whole string across the the top of the windscreen.

The pink is tastefully done but don't let the temptation of glitter and unicorns get to you. I would definitely ride a pink busa. Hot pink and flat black would be sick.
I like the pink dingle balls but you might as well put a whole string across the the top of the windscreen.

The pink is tastefully done but don't let the temptation of glitter and unicorns get to you. I would definitely ride a pink busa. Hot pink and flat black would be sick.
The running joke, for anyone that doesn't know - I HATE PINK! So, everyone I've ever known tied to the oRg decorates me and my Busa in pink. The balls, NOT my idea, but I honor my friends and keep them anyway ;)
pink fuzzy seats look awlful comfy! Would love to meet the VA riders one day soon, to close not too. Im in Chester! Great looking bike!
pink fuzzy seats look awlful comfy! Would love to meet the VA riders one day soon, to close not too. Im in Chester! Great looking bike!
You're only about 70 miles from us...we go to Richmond every blue moon just to grab dinner at Hogshead Cafe on Broad St...we should definitely meet up sometime!

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5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

More in Gen 1 1999 - 2007

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