What do you feel 3 months of marriage is worth

And another thing. Don't feel down, like you should have seen this coming or anything else. You did what you thought was right at the time.
Remember, protect your ASSests.
Law for 2 years................. As a general rule. Not much in the way of compansation can be paid until 6months have past.

Go to your lawyer,and have him add up you assets. Look at the cost of your lawyer,and possible court costs.

Then sit back,and wait....................3 months is nothing,and if all she wants is money? The courtsd will see that...............If their are no children involved? Then you would only have to pay for a equal amount of court costs. She might be able to get damages???

Talk to her................Keep away from the courts. After the waiting period. She might be happy with 10,000$ If so, be happy.

Spend the other 20,000. on 2 Hayabusa's
Well i know what you saying about female lawyers but her and and her husband have been my families lawyers for a number of years now so i'm pretty sure i'm alright there considering it's nice not to have to go in and pay a retainer.

I know she is playing that sympathy card to the end heck she says my lawyer is rude to her and will screw her first chance we get
I obviously don't wana leave her short handed i may discuss alot more options with my lawyer though granted the bit of her talking to my priest is quite a peice of handy work if it dose go to court that she can say well i wanted to make it work i chatted with his priest and asked him to talk to my husband but he still will no reconsile. She was married once before i know and i found out he filed for divorce not her the way she made it sound it was so horrible i thought she divorced him now i wonder. the paper bit i signed is what really screwed me.
Selling the busa is a very last resort hell i have to much into it to really get rid of her i always make the joke i'll probly have to be buried with it even

thanks for the advice big O lucky the farm is split 3 ways between my father my uncle and myself. and yes she did work she is argueing she moved 2 times and quite 2 good jobs to be with me in less then a year she lived in ID and worked at a salon and lived with her grandma i then helped her move to Rapid City SD so we could be closer and she lived with her folks and worked at a hobby lobby and then we got married and i helped her move again to my farm and now i have packed all her stuff up and taking it back to her tommorow gee isn;t life grand ya know

As for are agreement it was not notorized and hell i woulda never signed it if i didn't feel it was the only way to get her away when she talks a certain way i think her voice could cut through anything it's so forceful and hurts man it just sucks i can't even describe it the only somewaht smart thing i did was have it typed up and have her sign a copy as well i wasn't gona let her walk off with the only copy with my john hancock on it and then change it as she pleased

And in SD it's a Equal joint state or howerever that goes meaning when married everything basically becomes equal to one another assests and everything
Before I start, I just want you to know that I ain't trying to flame you or anything, just trying to present my opinion FWIW...

Unbe-fuggin-lievable. Bro...I would ask for input from other lawyers. Your downfall, my friend, would be that mass of flesh lodged behind one of your lungs. From what I read, you are either A) still in love with her and concerned with her well-being or B) spineless or C) truly torn and incapable of making decisions regarding your well-being.

I'd say burn it down...fug the three months. I hate to say it, but dude...she's a gold digger. Tell her to pick her nose instead of your pockets and bank accounts. I feel for you...I really do, but on the other side of the coin, if you don't want to get yourself outta this, then there's nothing really we can do. You're destined to suffer as long as you let yourself...you gotta take the bull by it's horns and shove them up it's own ass.

Do this for yourself...it sounds like you're not gonna get outta this anytime soon, and that's only because you might be unable to see past this situation now. Look ahead...take a step back and try to analyze the situation for what it's worth...amd try not to let your heart get in the way.

I'll share a quote with you that a family friend said once: "...that's why your head is above your heart; because your mind is a better leader than your heart is." Follow this for awhile...I don't agree with this all the time, but it does make sense.

Good luck...
Hire the right person to do the right job costs less than 36,000 might only cost ya few grand and never have to worry about her again
Ouch...not envious of your situation...damn, just 3 months...

For all of the talk about females sticking together...some insight for the guys - women are catty and competitive...nothing will piss her off more than you having a female attorney, and nothing would give your female attorney more pleasure than nailing her ass to the wall...might actually be a GOOD thing!

Best of luck...seek counsel quickly and don't give her a dime unless a judge signs the papers saying you have to...
Obviously, there's a big disconnect between the 2 of you. Here's your plan:

1) Don't even think about selling your busa.
2) Look for attorneys that specialize in representing men. Hire one and listen to him.
3) Get your best friend to assist you in your decision making. This is not the time to be making decisions based on emotion. Hopefully, you got a good friend who will sift through your emotion stuff and keep you focused on your attorney's advice.
4) Do not agree on anything that keeps you associated with this girl long term. You need to cut this girl out of your life so you can get your head back on straight. The sooner the better.

That's the plan. Do not spend much time sifting through why she said this and that. This girl is bad news. Get pissed, get over it, get on your own two feet emotionally, and sometime down the line fall for a girl who loves you straight up where there's not all this drama.

What's she's doing to you is bs. Don't stand for it man. Cut bait and move on.

Good luck.
pay her the money and think of it this way, a hooker would cost a hell of alot more for 3 straight months of taking care of your manhood. If you really have the cash , just get her out of your life and learn from it. You can always make more money and be glad she isnt asking for 1/2
Well started our lovely procedings today of negotiiations which she laughed at me offer which i thought was resonable especially under the circumstances but who knows i know what i'm gona pay and if she ain't happy then i guess i'll see her in court thanks for some of the advice guys and gals much appricated kinda helping me get through this ruff time can belive she can say she can walk away from this witha clear concious man that just says gold diggger all over it
I wanna see a picture of this chick....

Good luck in court. She doesn't deserve a damn thing.