Tough Situation

I just received a sad phone call, and a sad update. It seems that surgery isn't going well at all for little Levi, and things aren't looking good. The doctors haven't given him a good prognosis, and we aren't sure if he will make it. Unlike last time, they let his cardiac arrest go on for some time before stopping surgery. (this was the plan, as they thought they could get him on a bypass and that it would be okay. it turns out it didn't work) They are working on him now, but we are all waiting for a phone call to say one way or another...

Thanks again for all of your support and prayers. Levi has two awesome parents and one awesome older brother who truly appreciate every prayer said. Being the "the glass is always half full with God", I know that there is still hope for him to make it through. Although, I am living in the reality that he might not. Either way, we know he will be in a better place in the end.

Either Jeff or I will keep everyone posted as we hear more. Hopefully the next post I will be crying with tears of joy and not of sadness.

(this was posted in both Levi threads...didn't know where it would be better to post an update...thanks again for all of your prayers!)
We just got word from the hospital. Levi made it through the first surgery, a heart puncture surgery I believe. But was not strong enough to make it through an open heart surgery so they stopped for now. Doctors say without open heart surgery he has 0 chance. But now there is a glimmer of hope where there was none. I am not sure exactly what they mean by "glimmer of hope". So now we are looking for a glimmer.
A Glimmer of hope that tells me the prayers are working so keep it up Peep's lets turn that Glimmer into something more :please::please::please:
Thanks, Jeff. A decided relief and food for continued hope.

Feel free to call me anytime.

Some possible good news. I was told tonight by Levi's grandma that they are hoping the heart puncture surgery will relieve enough pressure on Levi's heart to allow him to go through surgery later this week or early next. Tonight he is in ICU in critical condition, but he is stable. I guess that the doctors told his parents that he wasn't going to make it out of the operating room, but the prayers works. So yay. We are still not out of the woods, and Jeff and I are sometimes getting conflicting information. BUT, as we find out more, we will keep people updated.

Hopefully, we will have more happy news tomorrow. And, won't have to do a middle of the night update. Thanks again for all of your prayers. Levi and his family are so thankful to know that they have you all cheering him on and praying.

One thing to add, he was in cardiac arrest for 50 minutes this morning, and there is some concern (not sure if it is just ours or the doctors too) about brain damage. I am not sure if he was on oxygen or the heart bypass when the cardiac arrest occurred. If we make it out of the woods with the heart surgery, we might be headed into another set of dark and scary woods with this.

Jeff and I are headed to bed after what continues to be a roller coaster ride of emotions. Thank you again everyone for your support (and for letting me call you on the phone Scar to bounce some stuff off, I needed that) and we will do what we can to updated you as soon as we know anything.
Huge hugs for Levi today...he's been through more than any child should endure, but he's managing well. He's a strong little boy!!

Prayers that the news continues to be good :)

We do not understand things that are dealt to us on a day to day basis. I know you hear our prayers, you have told us that. Lord I humbly ask for a hedge of protection around Levi today. Please touch his body, take away the pain... Heal the body as you see fit. Please be with all involved, Family, Doctors and friends. Give them the strength to go forward and know we are there for support as needed.

No real update. We have made it through the night. At least, that is what I am assuming by having not gotten any phone calls. Thanks for all of your prayers, I don't think I can say that enough...