To many "dumb" people in my town.....

I went on a Shriner's Hospital ride two weeks ago, 300+ harleys and about 20 sportbikes. Another Busa' buddy and I were about 40 yards behind a cruiser with a couple that slowed down on the highway and a chopper behind them that didn't. No helmets, plenty of leather but all three had head injuries. The gal on the back of the cruiser took the worst of it, laid her head open to the skull for about 6 inches. They all lived but won't be nearly as pretty as they were before (that's a joke!). Amazing enough the sport bike riders in full gear (us) were the ones clearing the lanes and directing traffic around the mess. Several cars stopped and were assisting the downed riders, quick compentant healthcare pros just happened to be in the traffic mess. The "bikers" were all standing around scratching their bandana'd heads and pointing.
good of you to stop, people doing their part at the right time can really make all the difference!

I never understood the no helmet thing, why would you put your family through something like that?!? I guess I am jaded my mother worked with a lady that specialized in the long term treatment of folks with brain injuries. The amount of trauma it takes to do some serious damage is so tiny. By a terrible stroke a friend of mom's was struck at a red-light on his HD impact speed well under 20mph. We liken his mental "age" so to speak of about a low functioning teenager. He was wearing a novelty helmet... I am not saying a helmet or any gear is the magic bubble you can't be damaged in, but for a few hundred $$ isn't it worth it to try? Think about what your gambling with..
I was, and always will be a true believer in "when it's your time, it's your time", BUT, what if you go down HARD, and it's NOT your time ? You're probably going to wish it was.

My uncle is a doctor at a hospital, and runs some kind of intensive care unit there, and his wife, and their 3 daughters (my cousins) are all nurses, and they always call motorcycles "organ donors" (I know that's not new). My uncle said it's a real shame how many times he's watched families say good bye to a loved one who's body is in great shape, but they're brain dead, because they didn't have a helmet on.

I swore that when I got my motorcycle I would never wear a helmet. Then when I got my Busa I said "I'll wear it until I get use to it". About 3 months after I got my bike I was going to the bank, and it was NICE outside. So I left the helmet home. I think I got almost a half mile away then turned around to go home, and get it. I didn't enjoy it at all ! It was too windy, and too loud.
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I live in florida and the only law there is for rider protection is the requirement to wear eye protection!! But hell we still see pople ride with out even that!!!!

It does piss me off when riders say they dont wear a helmet or gear because its there right to NOT wear it!!

I full believe in the saying, "Dress for the crash, not the ride."
I agree sweat before blood, although I learned after my road rash on my forearms and chest and legs, I was wareing jeans and a tee shirt and the helmet I will not do that. now jeans tee shirt and my mesh jo rocket jacket