Southern California Ride!!!

V8 works his majic.......because he is a pro at fixing Busas

(Devil Dog @ Nov. 18 2006,19:00) Thank You Sir......No ticket for V8

L U C K Y !!!!!
I still do not know how I got out of that....

And I still can not believe the guy that try'd to hand Trip the thing about the accident paper Directly after the accident! That guy was asking for it..
so what exactly happened there? Trip got a ticket and then crashed? then they started trying to write tickets for lame crap?

Bad ass leathers btw dd-- niiiice
Trip crashed and then as we were about to exit parking lot.....they show up to pull over the guy in the red T-shirt, and then beginning messing with us...mostly V8.
No way
! Trip buddy! I guess me and Jorge cut out before all the action. I had an awesome time though.