Rider down and out

(Poppy @ May 07 2007,14:52)
(snakeyezzz @ May 07 2007,10:41) Just want to clarify that the news is now reporting that the car pulled out in front of them across 3 lanes of traffic. If the car would have pulled into the first lane and not crossed all lanes this would not have happened. I also found out that they were not racing just driving a little over the speed limit(which would put them probaly between 55 and 65 mph).
From the article it appears to be the most common cause of death for motorcyclists....the dreaded left turn across the path of traffic. Sad for everyone involved but not surprising.
Another traffic error by a cager. Ya know it happens all the time, so just keep a good EYE out for the one who wants your number. They're everywhere, I even nearly got hit today while parked in a Wal Mart Parking lot in the extreme back open area. Some driver while driving and talking on a cell phone nearly hit me  
. An with no other car within 200 feet of me. Now that's paying attention to your driving  