Need suggestions on Frame polishing

My how have the times changed in polishing. I use a red 3m wheel on a 90 degree die grinder to knock off all the paint and that horrible casting. then I use a 150 grit 220 320 400 600. It seems to be working ok. No wet sand. I have tried the oven cleaner thing and it was a MESS!!! Not too mention if you are using a Torpedo heater in your garage, DO NOT USE THIS METHOD. The fumes mixed with the fumes from the torpedo heater almost killed me. No JOKE!!!! Anyways the only thing you have to watch is how hard you press on the grinder wheel. I did half of my frame in like 3 hours or so. All I use is the jewlers rouge and the white bar and all my jobs come out pretty well I think. And my customers so far have been happy!!!