Missing 777 theories?

Who honestly belives that no military or government knows exactly where it is? Of course someone does! And not just those directly involved.
Outside of radar, no one may have been directly tracking the plane at that time, but it was still visible to military's around the world.
Again, maybe not directly tracked, but people were aware that there is a 777 in this particular airspace, along with the rest of the world's commercial traffic. Even after it disappeared from radar. You think the militaries still depend totally on radar to know what is where in airspace? Get a grip.
Look at all the theories, and the media is having a field day with it.
If it crashed, it's general location would be known quickly; just because it wasn't on radar doesn't mean no one knew where it was. It just means they don't want the public to know.
If it was shot down, accidentally(yeah right), or intentionally, do you think the public will ever be told? No.
Terrorists? Ha! Like those oil rich bastids can't afford to buy a plane(legally or illegally). Or that they'de "part it out" for money, lol!
And, if it was terrorists, don't ya think they'de be braggin' by now? Uh, Yeah.
Bottom line...MISDIRECTION.
Someone powerful wanted someone and/or something on that plane, either intact, or destroyed.
The public will never know the truth.
They can claim tomorrow that it's been found crashed(land or underwater), and maybe even show a small piece of debris...and you'll still never know if it's the truth.
The real tradgedy is buried under all the hype and speculation; that there are around 250 families that are heartbroken not knowing what happened to their loved ones.
And if you think the world's governments only communicate with one another during summits and UN meetings like the media shows, you've got another thing coming.
I heard it put so well not long ago, "Welcome to serfdom, serf".
I would believe that some random satellite / defense measure would know what is where...there just was a track the flight thread...if that is public the non public tracking ability is likely much more accurate...I'd go the shenanigans route
A spy satellite could definitely see it -- if they were watching it. Unfortunately they weren't looking at that plane and all spy satellite capacity in the world can only watch 5% of the surface at any one given time.
I would just assume, wrongly, that in an urgent situation they could get the jack bauer types to quickly locate vehicles.
Has there ever been a real life rescue when the pilots have been incapacitated and the plane is flying on auto pilot? I've read about a half dozen events where that actually happened and they all ended with the plane smashing into the ground when the fuel ran out.
One of two thoughts come to mind.

A. The pilots hijacked the plane and it has landed somewhere (behind government level protection).
B. The pilots committed pilot suicide and it is at the bottom of the ocean somewhere.

..or Aliens had something to do with it! On a serious note...I hope the people are ok but realistically, I do not think they are :-(
Can't believe this is taking so long...

As this story gets stranger with each passing day, who here has a conspiracy theory?

I've heard everything from hijacking to diversion tactics so we aren't paying attention to what's happening on the Ukraine...

Either way, gotta admit, it's a very strange event...just feel bad for the families who have no idea about what's happened to their loved ones... :(

via Samsung Galaxy SIII

Aliens..... :evil2:
What's the reasoning for the altitude climbing and descending then?

I saw on the Today show this morning that the data relating to that was deemed "unreliable". That's what they say anyway....???

Unreliable altitude reporting by radar was also an issue in the investigation of the mid-air collision between N600XL and Gol Transportes Aéreos Flight 1907 in 2006. It turned out that N600XL's altitude had actually remained constant, but it appeared to be erratic as they reached the limits of radar range. I don't know if there could be any similarity to the Malaysian situation though... Just made me think of it.

Gol Transportes Aéreos Flight 1907
"if you like your plane, you can keep your plane."
-the obamanator

So, news is now reporting that families have been notified that all passengers were lost...

How many hours of media coverage was devoted to the theory of a terrorist takeover and imminent threat from the sky in the shape of a 777 missile? :laugh:

Gotta love the media :banghead: