I need MP3's


Dis in my way!
Staff member
OK this one is a simple request, I am sure that I am going to catch hell for it but here goes anyway..

I need MP3's of blugrass, and hard core banjo playing. Anyone out there with em let me know if you have em...

Ok let the ridicule begin !!!

I know that there are a lot of individuals and groups out there that provide their music for free. The last thing that I want is the RIAA knocking on my door.

You shur do got a purdy mouth. Can you squeal like a pig boy?


First one to "get" this wins a prize... :D
BT, anyone that dont get it should be shot.

lets see, grew up in chicago, went to high-school in the ozarks... nope, never heard it before........ :D
Ah wuz conversatin wid ma auntee, no, ma wife, no, ma sister & she ain't never herd o no pee for 3, we'all got a pee tree, but that be out the front yard.
How can you tell the tooth brush was invented in Arkansas?

Anywhere else it would be a teethbrush...

My apologies to anyone from Arkansas :D
Hey, isn't this a motorcycle board. How dare you panzies talk about anything else! I just want to read about power, speed and mods, period.! What? Its the owner of the board who started this thread? So what...i'm more important. And no, I can't force myself to click to another topic. I want you Britney Spears kiss butts to talk about something else like motors, and do it fast!

That's right, and if you don't like it, i'll race you!:cool: :eek: :laugh:
Hey, isn't this a motorcycle board. How dare you panzies talk about anything else! I just want to read about power, speed and mods, period.!   What? Its the owner of the board who started this thread? So what...i'm more important. And no, I can't force myself to click to another topic. I want you Britney Spears kiss butts to talk about something else like motors, and do it fast!

That's right, and if you don't like it, i'll race you!
As I climb on to the ol We shall begin todays hearing.  As I recall this thread was started in the "random thoughts" forum.  Which in the description reads "Off-topic, non-bike related topics for your enjoyment
Forum Led by: cache, Narcissus, Revlis"
Well all I can say is :tounge:
I sure am glad that this is not a river guide forum web page... cuz Capn' you would have me worried. "weeee weeee weeee"

p.s. Capn' try Kazaa, they have everything you could ever want

P.s.s.  I think my meds have run out now.... the psych ward is looking for me  And im just
some fun
Thinker!  You're KILLIN me!!!   Hahahahahahah :D

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Yea me to dude, LOL

What givyouda right to to talk to the capo that way, you like a bull in a china closet man. I say wac him capo! Send him down the road kicking cans. :D

Dam MEDS, there they go again...