ideas on MP3 players

Mr Bogus

Trouble Makers Inc.
Donating Member
Ok so I was thinking instead of spending $$$ on a single large cap MP3 player, maybe buying a couple three small capacity much cheaper MP3 players and putting different play lists on each..

reasoning that the things only run for X hours and I get kind of tired of the same style music after a time anyway, so I could just plug in a different player and get the best of play time and capacity...

sound reasonable or what am I missing...

they all seem pretty tiny and easy to haul along..
I recommend the new ipod nano. $250 for 4000 songs worth of storage with enough battery to play music for many hours...just my .02
I recommend the new ipod nano. $250 for 4000 songs worth of storage with enough battery to play music for many hours...just my .02
I agree; the i-tunes program that manages the music you down load is very easy to use:thumbsup:
I just bought a sony walkman with 2 gigs and a 1.5" display for 60.00 at walmart. It even plays video.
I also recommend the ipod. I've had a couple of different ones. One "bit the dust" and Apple was GREAT about replacing it.
I have a 160 gig Ipod with 75 gig of music on it. Much easier that way. I like listening to whole albums not just a mix and mash playlist. Just a small portion of it contains the complete discographies of;
The Ramones
Hay seed Dixie
Jack Johnson
John Melloncamp
John Prine
Woody Guthrie
Diana Krall
Lucinda williams
Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies
Neil Young
Nat King Cole
Sheryl Crow
The Beatles
etc. etc. etc.
That's just a small sampling of the music on it.
I guess I'm saying for me one big mp3 player makes more sense than several smaller ones.

I have an iPod touch and I love it. All the capabilities of a Nano but also provides the capability to surf the web, check email, watch movies all of which is unnecessary on a bike but comes in real handy during those times when you are not riding.
I've got an iPhone and I love it. It will play music all day, take calls, and do a crap load of other stuff, and the Pandora app really makes having your own music a moot point. I haven't uploaded any music to the thing in over a month. Just the Preston and Steve podcast :bowdown:

SIRIUS has a new gadget out... I can't remember what it is called, but it LOOKS like an IPOD sort of but picks up SIRIUS radio and you can also download songs like an MP3 player. It is still kind of pricey (around $300) but give it a year and the price will probably drop.

I'm not much an Apple tool, but I love my i-pod and I-tunes kicks butt. FWIW. If you don't need something super small though skip the Nano and get a regular I-pod, more storage, more battery life, and bigger screens.

Really hard to resist the multiple Nano's though... Especially with all the cool colors, you could color coordinate your song choices. But FWIW, the wife loves her nano and I love my i-pod video, been using both for a couple of years without issue. :thumbsup: