half way there!!!!!


Donating Member
well, me and my partner made the trip from NE Ohio to gatlinburg for the evening. we jsut got back from a pretty good ride through the mountains on the other side of gatlinburg. it was kinda like a dragon warm up. we had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe which was pretty sweet and then we just got back to our hotel.

all that is left now is we have to head to asheville in the morning and exchange is alpinestar suit for a smaller size and then we are heading to robbinsville. we should be pullin in around 3 or 4pm.

everybody have a safe trip and i will see some of ya's tomorrow and the rest of ya's thurs and fri!!!!!
You're like there dude, what's this halfway stuff

Good luck in Asheville, be safe
if ya have a chance eat breakfast at the Log Cabin pancake house on Airport road in the middle of Gatlinburg, its good. have fun tomorrow.