Gun Laws, what is coming at a national level?

The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports from 2011 show the following:

679 murdered by use of rifle or shotgun

902 murdered by Asphyxiation, Stranglulation, and Personal Weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc)

The numbers also show that violent crime overall has been decreasing over the last several years.
The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports from 2011 show the following:

679 murdered by use of rifle or shotgun

902 murdered by Asphyxiation, Stranglulation, and Personal Weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc)

The numbers also show that violent crime overall has been decreasing over the last several years.

Well would you look at that..... Little off from the 500/700 numbers
He might be lying or he could be just talking out of his a$$., But heard similar from somewhere, ya gotta be pretty sick to kill someone with your hands, just so much time to think about it while you are doing it, some sick bastages out there. Gun killing is usually quick and in a hurry not time to think and back off so a little more understandable that the number where it is. Just think how savage you have to be to squeeze the life out of someone or beat it out of them. Those fkrs need to go from courtroom to chair immediately.

ur talking out of ur ass!:whistle: there were approx. 500 murders committed last year with bare hands in the US vs. nearly 700 with rifles and shotguns.
He might be lying or he could be just talking out of his a$$., But heard similar from somewhere, ya gotta be pretty sick to kill someone with your hands, just so much time to think about it while you are doing it, some sick bastages out there. Gun killing is usually quick and in a hurry not time to think and back off so a little more understandable that the number where it is. Just think how savage you have to be to squeeze the life out of someone or beat it out of them. Those fkrs need to go from courtroom to chair immediately.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that killing 27 people wasn't just a walk in the park..... You have to be out of your mind to kill child after child and not stop...
Without doubt, they are all mostly crazy bastages, but killing someone with your hands is a whole new level of savagery.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that killing 27 people wasn't just a walk in the park..... You have to be out of your mind to kill child after child and not stop...
Hey look, peoples butts probably don't have much to do with it, I think... ???

FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

snippets 2011 column:
323 - rifles
356 - shotguns
728 - Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.)
679 < 728
You know the govt, they will take a dam long time to compile the 2012 stats.. :moon:

Just trying to help people make informed decisions. Just curious, where did you get the numbers 500 and 700? Either the FBI is bullshipping or your source is. As a service to all forum members, we should know which figures are 'more' accurate or maybe both sources are bullshipping?

Just trying to help people out.. Although, there are some funny hypothesis to be had:
Ban all 'martial' arts or license / regulate them. Maybe we can publish a map of names and home addresses. :laugh:

ur talking out of ur ass!:whistle: there were approx. 500 murders committed last year with bare hands in the US vs. nearly 700 with rifles and shotguns.
Folks - I'm not opposed to some of the proposals for "gun control". The basic truth is many on the left (Obama included) fundamentally and synically don't believe in the Second Amendmant at all and would see all firearms confiscated. That's why I opposed to any gun control measures. They refuse to deal in good faith and see any gun control measure enacted as a step in the ultimate goal of banning and confiscating firearms.
Can anyone tell me how many people were beaten to death with firearms last year?

Feet? Wtf? Somebody go Kung fu or what?
These are quick numbers I could find but interesting. I hope the are accurate. They were for a single year in the last 3 years

30k firearms deaths
80k alcohol deaths
440k tobacco deaths

Maybe we need to focus elsewhere on a ban!
Oh, just wanted to add stats from my traffic safety school..

1000 people die EACH MONTH from speeding, just speeding?, NHTSA. Was on the dam test. Don't ask me why I'm taking traffic safety school.... freaking motorcycle tax.

WTF, that's gotta be BS, speeding can't kill you, stopping to fast kills you, everyone knows that. ???
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