It just doesn't stop

Funny you make up false facts and then draw the conclusion "this has staged act written all over it. Haha. You have idiot written all over you.....
These people have been lying, changing the subject when asked questions and using the MSM like an asset for spreading propaganda for years... seems somebody smeared something all over you and you seem to like it. This latest drama episode is most likely some little lovers spat that got out of hand.

I wonder if Pauli ever went to Epstein's island on the Lolita Express?

If the Democrat leftist destroyers of America didn't have the MSM on their side they wouldn't have a way to spread lies the way they do constantly.
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Funny you make up false facts and then draw the conclusion "this has staged act written all over it. Haha. You have idiot written all over you.....

This "Climate Change" issue being pushed is all about control over the middle class. Isn't it generally agreed that the world has endured 4 Ice Ages in it's history? If so, what happened in between those Ice Ages? It must have warmed up. So, where were all the carbon emitting ICE engines and cows releasing gas during those times that were contributing to "Climate Change"? The White House recently announced through MSNBC that they had a "spraying program" in place for the skies for purposes not fully explained. Playing God with the weather? On what level? Just seeding some clouds to make it rain weekly like they do over in UAE?

Cutting down on oil production will only harm the means of production for food to energy. The "Political Class" and their cronies that are influence peddling in all the places that matter will bring the world to it knees if they are allowed to continue. If it takes a revolution ends the Dark Ages like it did centuries ago it will be a reaction to the people running the world right now and failing us for their stupid and diabolical plans.
If a good strong blow to the head is delivered with a hammer the person is normally knocked unconscious or worse. The fact that he made it to the bathroom ( asked the perp for permission ) to use a phone and was said to speak in code so the police 911 dispatcher could understand the message without alerting the intruder doesn't sound like a guy in dire straights and fighting for his life.

No camera footage? Who let the Police in? Rumor is it was somebody else.

This has "staged act" written all over it.

I really don’t know what to make of it.
There is 911 audio
There is police body cam footage
There is security cam footage
There is even footage from a live feed from other cams going directly to capital police
The DA said this all today. She also said there is ‘no public interest in sharing any of that’ which I find to be quite suspicious with all the rumors and conspiracies regarding.
IF what they are saying is true then they should have no problem proving it with multiple sources of info. Not just talk and statements. Show the evidence and dispel the myths.
But apparently they have no intent on doing that. And that is what makes me call boolsh!t on their version of the whole event.
It took a FOIA lawsuit to get the DUI footage released. Time will tell if we see the officer body cams or not.
I really don’t know what to make of it.
There is 911 audio
There is police body cam footage
There is security cam footage
There is even footage from a live feed from other cams going directly to capital police
The DA said this all today. She also said there is ‘no public interest in sharing any of that’ which I find to be quite suspicious with all the rumors and conspiracies regarding.
IF what they are saying is true then they should have no problem proving it with multiple sources of info. Not just talk and statements. Show the evidence and dispel the myths.
But apparently they have no intent on doing that. And that is what makes me call boolsh!t on their version of the whole event.
It took a FOIA lawsuit to get the DUI footage released. Time will tell if we see the officer body cams or not.
There is plenty of public interest. Just not the right public.

If all they are saying is true, I think they are digging a deeper problem for themselves. The DA said she would make evidence public once it became part of the court proceeding. It belongs to the public at that point.

Even Libtards aren't stupid enough to believe this doesn't make them look bad.

Cops responded in 2 minutes. Yet they have already said in their own statement that it went from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor in that time. Why Pelosi simply didn't stay in the bathroom and wait for the cops to arrive. I mean the list is long about things that don't make sense. Even by Libtard standards it reeks.

Admitting they have evidence is worse than trying to keep it quiet and suppressed. I have a feeling the perp is about to have a high profile attorney suddenly make themselves available. Paid for by the Republicans.

All the Libs gotta do is figure out how to make it 5 days of obstruction and wait to see if they can Garner sympathy.

I doubt they will get it by a single Righty Tighty.
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Haha, you guys with the "prove our fantasy is wrong" BS. Pelosi was not the average perp. So the things like speaking in code to 911 and the amazingly quick police response are all signs of someone living under the seige of daily credible threats.

The maggers are so worried that something will expose them as rabid animals that they go crazy trying to control the public opinion of an event with endless conspiracies. The perp has already confessed that this was an act of political terror. It appears to be an act by a lone crazy, set off by magger hate speech.

So what do you do when the disgusting ramifications of your politics are laid bare? Deflect attention to made-up fantasies until the media moves on and people forget about it.
So the things like speaking in code to 911 and the amazingly quick police response are all signs of someone living under the seige of daily credible threats.
Another example of a caller who needed help but spoke in code to get police assistance.

Another example of a caller who needed help but spoke in code to get police assistance.

Similar but not the same.

Before you beat me, and after you tried to stop me from using a phone, "May I please go to the bathroom, I have to pee" And then from that same bathroom, he simply stays inside and waits for 2 minutes.

Instead let's go out, share a hammer together, make our way downstairs without falling or being whacked by said hammer, and open the door for the cops.

So while I admire the effort to show us an example of "speaking in code* this is more apples to oranges than apples to apples.

Since we have a confession, what would be the harm in putting out all the evidence? Unless this is an "alleged" confession.

Maybe they will. After next Tuesday.
Similar but not the same.

Before you beat me, and after you tried to stop me from using a phone, "May I please go to the bathroom, I have to pee" And then from that same bathroom, he simply stays inside and waits for 2 minutes.

Instead let's go out, share a hammer together, make our way downstairs without falling or being whacked by said hammer, and open the door for the cops.

So while I admire the effort to show us an example of "speaking in code* this is more apples to oranges than apples to apples.

Since we have a confession, what would be the harm in putting out all the evidence? Unless this is an "alleged" confession.

Maybe they will. After next Tuesday.
My response was in regards to a distressed caller using code to get help. That is all.
My response was in regards to a distressed caller using code to get help. That is all.
Yes I know. Hence why hearing the 911 tapes would help clarify the codes being used. I get and concur that he held the line open for 911 to hear what was happening. I get that providing a name is also helping. Pelosi appeared to be of sound mind in this regard. If that aligns with what the recordings show.

But he doesn't seem to be of sound mind in other aspects of what we hear as stated facts.
Haha, you guys with the "prove our fantasy is wrong" BS. Pelosi was not the average perp. So the things like speaking in code to 911 and the amazingly quick police response are all signs of someone living under the seige of daily credible threats.

The maggers are so worried that something will expose them as rabid animals that they go crazy trying to control the public opinion of an event with endless conspiracies. The perp has already confessed that this was an act of political terror. It appears to be an act by a lone crazy, set off by magger hate speech.

So what do you do when the disgusting ramifications of your politics are laid bare? Deflect attention to made-up fantasies until the media moves on and people forget about it.
Again trying to bring politics into it with the magger label huh?
The guy is a renowned nudist who lived in Berkeley an ultra liberal community.
The only things he said ‘right wing’ were posted on two sites that were created a day before the event. Now since deleted.
But…..he does have years worth of lefty loony statements and acts showing his true leanings.
Not to mention I posted a pic of his last residence…
Rainbow flag out front and BLM sign in front window. And you’re gonna tell us he’s a ‘magger’. He ‘confessed’? Who told you that? The same media that has lied for years to us? Russia Russia Russia was true. All the media said it was. 2yrs later, 500 fbi agents and $52 million dollars wasted to find out ‘the conclusion is there was NO collusion’. You swallowed every bit of it with glee. Now you’re still swallowing their BS. Kinda sad it is people like you still trust what the media says.

Again trying to bring politics into it with the magger label huh?
The guy is a renowned nudist who lived in Berkeley an ultra liberal community.
The only things he said ‘right wing’ were posted on two sites that were created a day before the event. Now since deleted.
But…..he does have years worth of lefty loony statements and acts showing his true leanings.
Not to mention I posted a pic of his last residence…
Rainbow flag out front and BLM sign in front window. And you’re gonna tell us he’s a ‘magger’. He ‘confessed’? Who told you that? The same media that has lied for years to us? Russia Russia Russia was true. All the media said it was. 2yrs later, 500 fbi agents and $52 million dollars wasted to find out ‘the conclusion is there was NO collusion’. You swallowed every bit of it with glee. Now you’re still swallowing their BS. Kinda sad it is people like you still trust what the media says.

I'm shocked anyone would even grasp that a Republican lived in SF and surrounding area. Unless of course they are crazy. So yeah, I spose it's possible
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I'm shocked anyone would even grasp that a Republican lived in SF and surrounding area. Unless of course they are crazy. So yeah, I spose it's possible
Not a chance. They all left long ago with clothes on.
But yeah if he wants to believe this guy who lived in the house I posted rainbow flag and all is a ‘magger’ he’s more than welcome to.
Trump was a flaming liberal too only a few years ago. Even supported Hilary's first run for president. Guess these people turn Repub and go crazy......
Trump was a flaming liberal too only a few years ago. Even supported Hilary's first run for president. Guess these people turn Repub and go crazy......
Did NOT support her campaign. Just like her opponent he made a small donation. Already said many times as a businessman he donated to a lot of people. Guess you missed that.
Flaming liberal? Please post links supporting that.
I’ll wait…

You are believing what the media is feeding you without any critical thought.
Do you honestly believe…
A nudist
A person who married another renowned SF nudist and outspoken liberal
A hemp seller
A person who lived in a home with a rainbow flag out front and BLM sign in window
IS right wing anything?
Cmon man you’re better than that.

What this is is a pigeon come home to roost.
It could not have happened to a more deserving couple
Nancy is soft on crime, stands up for sanctuary cities and ignores federal immigration laws and ICE detainers, refuses to admit her OWN policies have allowed SF to turn into an open air drug market crap hole and then acts surprised when some whacko breaks into her home. Poetic Justice and her homemade pigeon came home to roost.
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what about him supporting Bill Clinton?

Donald Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987; since that time, he has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party.[4]

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."[5] In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and that "I identify with some things as a Democrat."[4]
what about him supporting Bill Clinton?

Donald Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987; since that time, he has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party.[4]

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."[5] In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and that "I identify with some things as a Democrat."[4]

Your words ‘flaming liberal’. NONE of which is above. He’s a successful billionaire from NYC. He’s donated to a lot of people. Still waiting to hear how he fits your description. Or did you just pull that outta your….

Back on the Pelosi mystery.
We are to believe Paul was stopped from getting to the elevator yet after asking was allowed to go to the bathroom. From the safety and security of that bathroom he called 911 and told them the intruder was ‘a friend and his name is David’
Can you find me one case where a supposed complete stranger broke into somebody’s home and after doing that gave them his name? Does that not strike you as incredibly odd or… BS and he’s not really a stranger?
Trump was a flaming liberal too only a few years ago. Even supported Hilary's first run for president. Guess these people turn Repub and go crazy......
Billionaires are usually not liberals... How many liberal capitalist do you know?

Trump donated for specific reasons... nothing to do with pub or dim... same with Buffet... He wanted those pipelines shut down so his rail cars that carry crude oil with be in high demand. So, he donated big to Biden and it all dovetailed nicely with the Green New Deal... the pipelines were shutdown... not just the XL Keystone but others as well.
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