It just doesn't stop

He does not have power to do something but he could have shown solidarity like other politicians. The way Biden, Trump and all other former presidents have visited an area that was affected by disaster. Showing support is a small gesture goes a long way for the citizens affected.
Yeah because Trump was so well received when he visited PR. That wasn't solidarity. He wasted everyone's time going there.

He had called out the corruption before he went there. That has since been substantiated as being truthful more than once since they tried to boo him out of town.

You mean that kind of solidarity?

Or would you prefer the type of solidarity Pres Bush showed New Orleans by offering massive resources to provide staged relief and National Guard to rebuild from Katrina. That was flatly turned down by the Dems in charge of the state and Parrish New Orleans is located in.

I was there post Katrina. It was like Mogadishu for many months after that storm. The NG had to escort us into neighborhoods under armed security to prevent us for being killed over a candy bar.

Never mind all the media covered looting they did show you. You saw a fraction of the watered down reality of that solidarity effort.

Since you want to bring up solidarity and history.
He does not have power to do something but he could have shown solidarity like other politicians. The way Biden, Trump and all other former presidents have visited an area that was affected by disaster. Showing support is a small gesture goes a long way for the citizens affected.

The border is a complete disaster.
When was the last time Biden or Harris were actually there to see that instead of accusing BP agents from afar of whipping illegals?
8 days…

We shall soon see how good of a job this administration has done in the eyes of the populace.
Let’s see how much credence is put into the sworn under oath testimony of people regarding potus 46 and his son with their China deals when the hearings begin early next year.
The border is a complete disaster.
When was the last time Biden or Harris were actually there to see that instead of accusing BP agents from afar of whipping illegals?
8 days…
View attachment 1656833
We shall soon see how good of a job this administration has done in the eyes of the populace.
Let’s see how much credence is put into the sworn under oath testimony of people regarding potus 46 and his son with their China deals when the hearings begin early next year.
Hell by then they might be able to explain the mysterious laptop that they lost after signing a receipt that they have it. If they can keep track of $63 I cheated them out of in taxes, surely they can track down a laptop they signed a for in 2019. Nobody can believe that level of ineptness.

Although I'm not a fan of Goetz, I support his dismemberment of the corrupt investigation the Dems have tried to bury for 3 years now.

All that Trump bashing is going to come at a price if they take the House and Senate.

The Republicans could run John Hinckley and get him elected.

All these dumbasses had to do was NOTHING for 4 years and they could have gotten a 2nd term running on the "Weekend at Bernie's" platform. Instead they've managed a 70% disapproval rating.

LOL. You can't write a fiction this good!

I'll be honest. Anyone in this country under the age of 40 has no idea what we had prior to Bill Clinton. And I can't even believe I'd say it. But Clinton was even the good old days. Reagan's footprint carried us 20 years. Even Clinton couldn't eff that up.

I never expected a Republican could get the presidency again. Demographically the Republicans are dying off and the Liberals are breeding like rabbits. By sheer numbers alone, the Republicans are dinosaurs going extinct.

Who'd have thought they'd manage to eff up the World Series being up 3 games to 0, in the 9th inning with bases loaded. And still manage to lose.

This country is effed. I just hope to cash up enough in the next 2 or so years, to have the eff you $$ needed to bid it a fond adieu.
OK, that clarifies somewhat..

@ottafish I believe was talking about human beings (not just politicians) showing empathy for each other. Something that has gone by the wayside more and more.
Kind of staying on the subject, but helping others on the road is something that I am more hesitant to do now.

Kind of staying on the subject, but helping others on the road is something that I am more hesitant to do now.

Yep I had a guy pull a knife on me when I stopped to help him in a "disabled" car. Empathy doesn't trump personal safety.

People try to take advantage of empathy.
Not exactly certain as to which people you are referring to.

Everyone's opinion would vary in this I believe. I for example have no use for extremists of any kind-political or religious.
Exactly. I'm sorry I'm not gonna feel empathy for a Muslim who lost his legs trying to blow people up. Or a pedophile that gets cancer.

Or a politician who is worth $90M by profiting off of inside info and using that for windfalls.
Exactly. I'm sorry I'm not gonna feel empathy for a Muslim who lost his legs trying to blow people up. Or a pedophile that gets cancer.

Or a politician who is worth $90M by profiting off of inside info and using that for windfalls.
Our government awarded a Taliban extremist (Khadr) $13.9 million for his troubles-of course after he killed and wounded 2 Americans in Afghanistan....

People just accepted this and rolled over (on both sides of the border).

Appalling is the word I use for this.
Our government awarded a Taliban extremist (Khadr) $13.9 million for his troubles-of course after he killed and wounded 2 Americans in Afghanistan....

People just accepted this and rolled over (on both sides of the border).

Appalling is the word I use for this.
How dare you not have more empathy Bee? I'm appalled.

See even words like empathy can be made to be inflammatory.

I have 600 times more empathy for the Americans that have to buy heating oil in the coming weeks than for the politicians that brought this about.

Everyone here so far is aghast that Paul Pelosi has been assaulted. This is the same man who was had made millions with his wife in inside trading.

I'm sure there are Trump supporters who would be aghast if his wife or children got assaulted. Yet others that would celebrate it.

Which group of people are worse?
How dare you not have more empathy Bee? I'm appalled.

See even words like empathy can be made to be inflammatory.

I have 600 times more empathy for the Americans that have to buy heating oil in the coming weeks than for the politicians that brought this about.

Everyone here so far is aghast that Paul Pelosi has been assaulted. This is the same man who was had made millions with his wife in inside trading.

I'm sure there are Trump supporters who would be aghast if his wife or children got assaulted. Yet others that would celebrate it.

Which group of people are worse?
I'm not sure I'm aghast he got assaulted but it is a sign that political extremists are gaining in boldness as to their actions..

if this becomes more prevalent, there could be real trouble.
I'm not sure I'm aghast he got assaulted but it is a sign that political extremists are gaining in boldness as to their actions..

if this becomes more prevalent, there could be real trouble.
Well nothing seems to have happened to the woman who held up a picture of Trump's severed head. Or a well thought of actor using the Academy Awards stage to say on live TV "Eff Trump".

So yeah it's all about the overall escalation that never has consequences. The "demeanor" that has been fostered has been fed by the very same people who found it acceptable until it impacts them.

Now suddenly they are calling for de-escalation. Because now they are the "innocent victims".
I think history will find that political extremism had absolutely nothing to do with the Pelosi incident. But the Dems and their MSM propaganda peddlers are certainly trying to frame it that way.

Much like the Canadian Trucker's Convoy's true actions are coming out in the current Emergencies Act inquiry. At the end of it all, it was the Liberals and their media lapdogs that portrayed it as something that it wasn't.

The only thing you can trust today is your gut. Listen to it.