It just doesn't stop

Well nothing seems to have happened to the woman who held up a picture of Trump's severed head. Or a well thought of actor using the Academy Awards stage to say on live TV "Eff Trump".

So yeah it's all about the overall escalation that never has consequences. The "demeanor" that has been fostered has been fed by the very same people who found it acceptable until it impacts them.

Now suddenly they are calling for de-escalation. Because now they are the "innocent victims".
It's not right to be used against either side of political alignment, all it does is fan the flames of more division.

Trump did himself no favors by his own actions, even so, he still deserves the same safely levels as expected for a former sitting president...if someone broke in to do him harm, he should be offered the same empathy as any other person.
I think history will find that political extremism had absolutely nothing to do with the Pelosi incident. But the Dems and their MSM propaganda peddlers are certainly trying to frame it that way.

Much like the Canadian Trucker's Convoy's true actions are coming out in the current Emergencies Act inquiry. At the end of it all, it was the Liberals and their media lapdogs that portrayed it as something that it wasn't.

The only thing you can trust today is your gut. Listen to it.
Of course you are entitled to that opinion...I differ in my opinion....if Pelosi wasn't involved in politics, this wouldn't have this way of thinking, what could it be other than political extremism?

Just the same as the "Trucker Convoy" is being portrayed as some sort of saintly, angelic occurrance.....

They made their point in the first couple days-after that it became an occupation-one that the police forces were unable to contain or may have not been violent but it was an occupation just the same.
I think history will find that political extremism had absolutely nothing to do with the Pelosi incident. But the Dems and their MSM propaganda peddlers are certainly trying to frame it that way.

Much like the Canadian Trucker's Convoy's true actions are coming out in the current Emergencies Act inquiry. At the end of it all, it was the Liberals and their media lapdogs that portrayed it as something that it wasn't.

The only thing you can trust today is your gut. Listen to it.
Anybody worth $90M has a security system that is top notch. Everyone of them I have seen in recent years has video storage of any event that triggers the system to record.

It should be extremely easy to piece together the inconsistencies in this event.

Was he in his underwear? If so how did he arrive in a 45 degree night carrying a hammer and zipties.

How did an external break in result in glass on the outside of the entry point instead of the inside?

And about 50 other things.

Was there secret service assigned to monitor the occupants of the person who is 3rd in line to be president?
Anybody worth $90M has a security system that is top notch. Everyone of them I have seen in recent years has video storage of any event that triggers the system to record.

It should be extremely easy to piece together the inconsistencies in this event.

Was he in his underwear? If so how did he arrive in a 45 degree night carrying a hammer and zipties.

How did an external break in result in glass on the outside of the entry point instead of the inside?

And about 50 other things.

Was there secret service assigned to monitor the occupants of the person who is 3rd in line to be president?
The investigation will decide....of course the "armchair quarterbacks" have already decided....which is part of the problem the US faces everyday.

And it isn't going to get better sadly.
The investigation will decide....of course the "armchair quarterbacks" have already decided....which is part of the problem the US faces everyday.

And it isn't going to get better sadly.
And there is a lot we won't be privy to until it winds it's way through the system.

I support the fact that we the public have no right to compromise an investigation.

And some info has been released to bring some amount of clarity that seemed glaring.

I'm a little concerned that the written statement the COP of SF has been re-written. More than once. Likely because of us armchair detectives that know b/s when we smell it.

These are professional law enforcement, whose job it to present info. It's been changed twice now. Doesn't instill confidence.

The same as professional media should be. Don't report it until you've verified it.

I may not like Trump. But he has coined the appropriate phrase that is now part of American language.

Fake news.
Of course you are entitled to that opinion...I differ in my opinion....if Pelosi wasn't involved in politics, this wouldn't have this way of thinking, what could it be other than political extremism?

Just the same as the "Trucker Convoy" is being portrayed as some sort of saintly, angelic occurrance.....

They made their point in the first couple days-after that it became an occupation-one that the police forces were unable to contain or may have not been violent but it was an occupation just the same.

‘This wouldn’t have happened if Pelosi wasn’t in politics’?
It’s SF where violent crimes of all types are skyrocketing. Homes get broke into every night there. Nice big ones like theirs even more so due to the perception of more gold inside. To make such a blanket statement is false.
He may have targeted them, he may not have. After hearing complete proven lies come out of the MsM for the last six years along with their lapdog fbi makes me very skeptical of anything they say.

Personally I find it hard to have empathy or concern for elites who preach down to me or think they are better than me. Entitled politicians on both sides tell us what health care we must have yet have their own special plan. They vote themselves pay raises while we sleep. Now, if we are going to believe the narrative than Pelosi’s husband is a victim of the lax crime policies there. I find it laughable that the same liberal DA who’s been responsible for recycling violent criminals onto the streets for years now acts like she cares about stopping it. No bail for this guy because he’s a violent threat to society? Yet SF’s policies for decades has been soft on crime. If Pelosi wasn’t Pelosi this guy would already be out and with a lot less charges pending. Only reason she made the tough talk speech is because of the victims ‘status’. How many speeches did she make for Joe Blow when his home got broke into and he was beaten?
Another entitlement afforded to our masters.

One thing that for sure would have prevented this is if he had been deported as he should have. He’s an illegal who overstayed his visa, living in a sanctuary city. SF brought this upon themselves. Imagine that…
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Yep I had a guy pull a knife on me when I stopped to help him in a "disabled" car. Empathy doesn't trump personal safety.

People try to take advantage of empathy.
Those on the empathetic side of the aisle would say he had to resort to this because he was less fortunate than us and had to survive.

Which I felt a little when I stopped to help. I felt a little less empathetic when he pulled a knife. And I exercised my 2nd Amendment rights.
Those on the empathetic side of the aisle would say he had to resort to this because he was less fortunate than us and had to survive.

Which I felt a little when I stopped to help. I felt a little less empathetic when he pulled a knife. And I exercised my 2nd Amendment rights.
It’s SF and a sanctuary city. Why didn’t Paul invite him in, make him breakfast and call a social worker to come help him? 6 million dollar house? They don’t have an extra room he could have stayed in? They preach acceptance and tolerance there don’t they? How dare he call the police and have that poor lad arrested…
‘This wouldn’t have happened if Pelosi wasn’t in politics’?
It’s SF where violent crimes of all types are skyrocketing. Homes get broke into every night there. Nice big ones like theirs even more so due to the perception of more gold inside. To make such a blanket statement is false.
He may have targeted them, he may not have. After hearing complete proven lies come out of the MsM for the last six years along with their lapdog fbi makes me very skeptical of anything they say.

Personally I find it hard to have empathy or concern for elites who preach down to me or think they are better than me. Entitled politicians on both sides tell us what health care we must have yet have their own special plan. They vote themselves pay raises while we sleep. Now, if we are going to believe the narrative than Pelosi’s husband is a victim of the lax crime policies there. I find it laughable that the same liberal DA who’s been responsible for recycling violent criminals onto the streets for years now acts like she cares about stopping it. No bail for this guy because he’s a violent threat to society? Yet SF’s policies for decades has been soft on crime. If Pelosi wasn’t Pelosi this guy would already be out and with a lot less charges pending. Only reason she made the tough talk speech is because of the victims ‘status’. How many speeches did she make for Joe Blow when his home got broke into and he was beaten?
Another entitlement afforded to our masters.

One thing that for sure would have prevented this is if he had been deported as he should have. He’s an illegal who overstayed his visa, living in a sanctuary city. SF brought this upon themselves. Imagine that…
You are correct in stating the elitists are entitled, everyone owes them, just ask them.

I've run into more than a few over the years who firmly believed their status in society overruled my mission orders.
And there is a lot we won't be privy to until it winds it's way through the system.

I support the fact that we the public have no right to compromise an investigation.

And some info has been released to bring some amount of clarity that seemed glaring.

I'm a little concerned that the written statement the COP of SF has been re-written. More than once. Likely because of us armchair detectives that know b/s when we smell it.

These are professional law enforcement, whose job it to present info. It's been changed twice now. Doesn't instill confidence.

The same as professional media should be. Don't report it until you've verified it.

I may not like Trump. But he has coined the appropriate phrase that is now part of American language.

Fake news.
I still believe there should be no such thing as state sponsored media.

.....and the advent of all this social media has made any sort of honest reporting almost impossible with all the armchair quarterbacks out there these days. One of whom comes up with a conspiracy and it spreads like wildfire long before the actual investigation has taken place.....and I'm not just referring to this particular case.
I still believe there should be no such thing as state sponsored media.

.....and the advent of all this social media has made any sort of honest reporting almost impossible with all the armchair quarterbacks out there these days. One of whom comes up with a conspiracy and it spreads like wildfire long before the actual investigation has taken place.....and I'm not just referring to this particular case.
Totally agree. If you are media on an agenda, you have to get a story out faster than the internet can. If you are a reporter working for an agenda driven media, whatever you write has to be reviewed and approved before it makes it out to the readers. By then they have fed off of 50 stories that aren't restricted. So the MSM has to rush. Their ad revenue is based on number of viewers. So it doesn't have to be right. It just has to be out there quicker.
Totally agree. If you are media on an agenda, you have to get a story out faster than the internet can. If you are a reporter working for an agenda driven media, whatever you write has to be reviewed and approved before it makes it out to the readers. By then they have fed off of 50 stories that aren't restricted. So the MSM has to rush. Their ad revenue is based on number of viewers. So it doesn't have to be right. It just has to be out there quicker.
How could you determine the difference between a legitimate, factual source and someone who wants to put ideas out there? The mainstream media as you call it (ex. CNN and FOX) is biased on each side but then you have the independent "journalists" that could be true or not. Everyone has a platform today (Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter) to voice their opinion and if you have a decent amount of followers, your word will spread like wildfire.

I try to read and watch news from a variety of outlets and try to make an educated guess on what the "truth" is based on the information I have. But even then, I could still be wrong.
How could you determine the difference between a legitimate, factual source and someone who wants to put ideas out there? The mainstream media as you call it (ex. CNN and FOX) is biased on each side but then you have the independent "journalists" that could be true or not. Everyone has a platform today (Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter) to voice their opinion and if you have a decent amount of followers, your word will spread like wildfire.

I try to read and watch news from a variety of outlets and try to make an educated guess on what the "truth" is based on the information I have. But even then, I could still be wrong.
So in the Pelosi matter we have the CNN team who's job it is to feed the Libtards that he's a politically motivated Trumptard supporter. Who aren't addressing any inconsistencies.

If you are a FOX watcher, he is a left leaning homosexual lover of Mr. Pelosi that has been in a lovers quarrel.

No way to know which of those are fact based.

By the time they "create" their content, we have drone footage of shattered glass falling in the opposite direction of an external entry. Police depts reciting written prepared statements. And valid questions in inconsistent particulars. The narrative we have before us at this moment appears that the man and he were upstairs at the beginning of the altercation and somehow struggled from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor, supposedly in a struggle over a hammer, yet somehow one or the other managed to open the door when the cops arrived.

These "other sources" (not CNN or FOX) have chosen to not discuss at this juncture. That may change in time, but right now it's a matter of additional facts that are surfacing. Eventually everyone has to figure out what is the truth. And it should be fairly consistently close. For instance, when the police initially stated, someone inside the house was stated by the police. I for one interpreted that to mean a 3rd person. That has now been explained away, that one of the two men opened the door. I'd be willing to believe that if that were the only part that didn't add up.

Doesn't make these facts less credible, it just means that we don't have facts in agreement.

I'd want to see his social media postings. By independent 3rd parties. Not according to FOX or CNN. Both of which will suppress facts that defeat their agenda. Show me drone footage. Not a written version of it. Show me a 911 tape. They are all recorded. Any "written 911 transcripts" are not credible if it's Fox or CNN presenting them. Show me his social media postings. Not the medias interpretation of them.

I watched the live on air conference held by Trump. In which he asked his medical advisor if they had considered something like injecting s bleach into someone. Within 10 minutes that was turned into Trump is telling people to inject bleach into themselves. It was astonishing to see just how quickly the facts that I know I watched live, we're completely changed in context. And the idiots that blindly accept that their "trusted source" had to be telling the truth. That is a perfect example of how need had become fake. Show us the tape of what was said. People with 3 brain cells functioning can decide from that. Instead they treat people with 3 brain cells to a version they want them to believe. And by the next day half the population believed Trump said that.

Pelosis attacker could be a left leaning mental case who has turned on his own party for all we know.

CNN certainly wouldn't want us to know that fact if it were true.

And Fox would be reporting that 24/7 for the next 8 days until the election is over.
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So in the Pelosi matter we have the CNN team who's job it is to feed the Libtards that he's a politically motivated Trumptard supporter. Who aren't addressing any inconsistencies.

If you are a FOX watcher, he is a left leaning homosexual lover of Mr. Pelosi that has been in a lovers quarrel.

No way to know which of those are fact based.

By the time they "create" their content, we have drone footage of shattered glass falling in the opposite direction of an external entry. Police depts reciting written prepared statements. And valid questions in inconsistent particulars. The narrative we have before us at this moment appears that the man and he were upstairs at the beginning of the altercation and somehow struggled from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor, supposedly in a struggle over a hammer, yet somehow one or the other managed to open the door when the cops arrived.

These "other sources" (not CNN or FOX) have chosen to not discuss at this juncture. That may change in time, but right now it's a matter of additional facts that are surfacing. Eventually everyone has to figure out what is the truth. And it should be fairly consistently close. For instance, when the police initially stated, someone inside the house was stated by the police. I for one interpreted that to mean a 3rd person. That has now been explained away, that one of the two men opened the door. I'd be willing to believe that if that were the only part that didn't add up.

Doesn't make these facts less credible, it just means that we don't have facts in agreement.

I'd want to see his social media postings. By independent 3rd parties. Not according to FOX or CNN. Both of which will suppress facts that defeat their agenda. Show me drone footage. Not a written version of it. Show me a 911 tape. They are all recorded. Any "written 911 transcripts" are not credible if it's Fox or CNN presenting them. Show me his social media postings. Not the medias interpretation of them.

He could be a left leaning mental case who has turned on his own party for all we know.

CNN certainly wouldn't want us to know that fact if it were true.

And Fox would be reporting that 24/7 for the next 8 days until the election is over.

The two sites he supposedly created and posted right wing things on have already been shown to have been fake and recently created.
Per the words right out of the DA’s mouth during her presser she said Paul tried to get to the elevator but the intruder prevented him from doing that. After preventing him from doing that he allowed him to go to the bathroom?
She also completely glossed over the statement given the day before by police chief who said when cops knocked ‘someone’ opened the door at which point they observed both men struggling over the hammer. So mid fight one of them was kind enough to open the front door or was it a 3rd person? She took no questions and that fact seems to be now getting glossed over.

Not to mention we now have former neighbors coming forth saying this..

These are all reasonable apolitical questions being asked. And they should be answered asap to dispel rumors. We should also be shown the body cam footage of responding officers when the door was opened. Let’s see who opens the door, how far away both men were and what it looked like.
The fact they supposedly saw a strange man struggling with the husband of #3 in line to potus and didn’t immediately Swiss cheese him with multiple rounds is also kinda weird. No shot ability, too risky or is it as he called in ‘he’s a friend and his name is David’ and cops didn’t want to kill Paul’s friend?

There’s a lot to be answered and instead of doing that it seems to me more like damage control.
The two sites he supposedly created and posted right wing things on have already been shown to have been fake and recently created.
Per the words right out of the DA’s mouth during her presser she said Paul tried to get to the elevator but the intruder prevented him from doing that. After preventing him from doing that he allowed him to go to the bathroom?
She also completely glossed over the statement given the day before by police chief who said when cops knocked ‘someone’ opened the door at which point they observed both men struggling over the hammer. So mid fight one of them was kind enough to open the front door or was it a 3rd person? She took no questions and that fact seems to be now getting glossed over.

Not to mention we now have former neighbors coming forth saying this..

These are all reasonable apolitical questions being asked. And they should be answered asap to dispel rumors. We should also be shown the body cam footage of responding officers when the door was opened. Let’s see who opens the door, how far away both men were and what it looked like.
The fact they supposedly saw a strange man struggling with the husband of #3 in line to potus and didn’t immediately Swiss cheese him with multiple rounds is also kinda weird. No shot ability, too risky or is it as he called in ‘he’s a friend and his name is David’ and cops didn’t want to kill Paul’s friend?

There’s a lot to be answered and instead of doing that it seems to me more like damage control.
Sorry I don't prescribe to the Swiss Cheese and ask questions later approach. Remember there was a version that stated Pelosi said he was a "friend". So it wouldn't be in anyone's interest to just Swiss Cheese him because he's in a struggle.

As to his sites etc. Yes present us the uneffed with evidence. They should have nothing to hide. I'm not going to believe a version of "they were recently created" until I can see that evidence.

And yeah the neighbors should all know the security in place by the 3rd inline to the POTUS. It's not like they don't know if Secret Service has a presence there at the least.
Sorry I don't prescribe to the Swiss Cheese and ask questions later approach. Remember there was a version that stated Pelosi said he was a "friend". So it wouldn't be in anyone's interest to just Swiss Cheese him because he's in a struggle.

As to his sites etc. Yes present us the uneffed with evidence. They should have nothing to hide. I'm not going to believe a version of "they were recently created" until I can see that evidence.

And yeah the neighbors should all know the security in place by the 3rd inline to the POTUS. It's not like they don't know if Secret Service has a presence there at the least.

Sites were fake

I said I was surprised they didn’t swiss cheese him. Not that they should have. Normally a younger man swinging a hammer at an older man is immediately given a room temperature challenge. He wasn’t. It’s strange.
Even when the real experts confirm what happened, it won't be enough.

If you were to take names and political affiliations, reactions would have been different: Elderly American assaulted with hammer. But as stated before, the political extremism on both sides have divided the nation and seems unlikely that it will be fixed anytime soon.

On the dispatch call: “RP [Reporting Person] stated that there’s a male in the home and that he’s going to wait for his wife. RP stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David, and that he is a friend,” the dispatch official said. “RP sounded somewhat confused.I was knocked out when I was in a crash. When I woke up, i was confused and it took me a while to understand what was going. This was a healthy 29 year old. I can only imagine what an 82 year old might have been thinking.

Going with the theory that he was a friend or gay lover: It is still assault and domestic violence. Police would need to respond to the situation.
It would be much to difficult for you to figure out who these people are. These people are power addicts and when things get out of control they start acting up. Remember Pauli had his car accident and the stunt he pulled with his CHP donor card? Remember that he had a passenger that fled the scene of the accident? Remember the witness to the accident that went missing? Remember the kid glove treatment Pauli got when the Napa DA that went easy on his felony DUI? Even the CHP wouldn't release the body camera footage from the scene of the accident without a lawsuit to make it happen.

Here is what I think happened... a little lover spat went badly... and now the cover up with a changing story of the so called "events". These people manufacture BS for the people daily. Also note these people only care about their power... other wise California would not be a sanctuary state and you wouldn't have illegal aliens with felony records committing crimes multiple times without being deported.

Just consider Kate Steinle as one heartbreaking example of what happens in San Fransico.

If you think like a lefty you won't look because you don't care. Lefties don't care about anyone except themselves.

Sites were fake

I said I was surprised they didn’t swiss cheese him. Not that they should have. Normally a younger man swinging a hammer at an older man is immediately given a room temperature challenge. He wasn’t. It’s strange.
If a good strong blow to the head is delivered with a hammer the person is normally knocked unconscious or worse. The fact that he made it to the bathroom ( asked the perp for permission ) to use a phone and was said to speak in code so the police 911 dispatcher could understand the message without alerting the intruder doesn't sound like a guy in dire straights and fighting for his life.

No camera footage? Who let the Police in? Rumor is it was somebody else.

This has "staged act" written all over it.
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