Where can i get this ?

And 1 last option for the Real CF sheets is this - and I think the best option. Instead of running 1.3 mil thic CF, which does allow some flex, but not very much - I would go with a thinner pannel - that would bend / flex alot more, allowing you a very fluid look and not stick up nearly as much as the thicker CF. 12 by 12 sheet is about $18.00, and again add $4.95 s/h and another $2.50 for pro grade 3M adhesive on the back of the entire pannel. Same quality as the ticker stuff, just alot more workable.

Colors - Blue, Red, Transparent silver, or Standard CF

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And 1 last option for the Real CF sheets is this - and I think the best option. Instead of running 1.3 mil thic CF, which does allow some flex, but not very much - I would go with a thinner pannel - that would bend / flex alot more, allowing you a very fluid look and not stick up nearly as much as the thicker CF. 12 by 12 sheet is about $18.00, and again add $4.95 s/h and another $2.50 for pro grade 3M adhesive on the back of the entire pannel. Same quality as the ticker stuff, just alot more workable.

Colors - Blue, Red, Transparent silver, or Standard CF

Your last option sounds about right .Real CF but not too thick with the 3m tape.

Now , Val . Can you get it cut to fit around the edge like the picture ?.

I dont know how easy is Cf to cut and dont want to waste a sheet trying to better my skills.

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The CF is easy to cut, as long as you have a Sharp Blade and take your time. First what I would do is take a piece of notebook paper, or tracing paper and lay it on the nose. Stencil out your design, and than tack it to the CF sheet. Since the sheets are already epoxied, you dont have to worry about freying, or anything like that. Now, slowly and carefuly exacto out your design. a 12 by 12 sheet is plenty large I believe, and you could do a little experimental cutting before you start on your final piece.

As far as getting it pre-cut, I havent seen a place that offeres it in real CF. I know ya can do it, just be patient. I had no idea how to hand lay CF, but have taken slow small steps in doing it myself. And the biggest thing is to be patient and not rush. If ya need a hand or want the info on ordering CF fabric or sheets already done up, just drop me a pm I can give ya my cell.
Ohh...woops, I should say anything thicker than 1.2 or 1.5 mil should be cut with a dremel...razor knife aint gona really do it for ya. How are your Dremel skills...lol, mine stink, but getting better....darn little 15000 RPM Devil I tell ya
Thats Doyles (DR1300R's) bike, or should I say, the Professors bike! I believe he got it made here locally at some graphics shop to cover a small scratch in front of the screen. He hated the way it looked after he put it on. He's on the road now but Ill call him to see exactly where he got it.