i am not knocking someone wanting to win but today was a cluster mess. get real here , with one to go johnson and vickers decide to go for it. now for johnson what happened pretty well sealed his fate for the championship, down the toilet. why would a person racing for the championship risk what he risked today ? it does not make sense, take second and the points. but no he decides to win with the help of a guy who has never won.and we seen the results. if i was hendricks i would be highly upset, what did this gain them ? nothing but a wrecked car and there golden boy out of the race. if i owned the teams vickers would be gone right now, johnson would get a very long talk about the big picture. i know the crew chiefs have a say also, but in the end the driver is the one that makes the final decision. both showed there adult hood today, none
with the stupid move of the race.
with the stupid move of the race.