second-look seat cover


Just had my seat covered with the second-look it looks great. I didnt do the work myself had a person from work do it and he did a great job for me. I really like the looks.......I like this copper\silver combo, now for the dymags in copper color......
IT was 69 dollars or so on sale from second-look. Go to and get their phone number. Dont know if they have the red and black though. But i'll bet they will make you one.

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 06 August 1999).]
Rypp, no i dont, but go to and click on bike gallery, then click on suzuki wait for the pictures to load then on the bottom row you will see the picture of the copper\silver busa. Mine looks just like that. You can also go to click on the hayabusa link then click on the dymags for the hayabusa and you will see a great picture. Go to this link here, It shows exactly how the seat cover looks....

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 06 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 07 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 07 August 1999).]

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 07 August 1999).]
I have the Black/Grey Busa and ordered the second look tank and seat cover. I returned the seat cover immediately after i received it.
It looked gaudy. Shiny silver. Maybe the Copper seat cover is different and looks better. I am waiting on the carbon fiber gel seat now, instead. It could have a long long wait I'm afraid.
Hey Vegas Dude!
Wouldn't happen to have a electronic picture of your bike with the second look stuff installed? I would like to order but I need to see it first! Thanks!
Just saw picture of second look seat
wow looks brilliant
a couple of questions
do they do a red/black seat ,how much was it & where can i get one?
any help appreciated

[This message has been edited by bluviper (edited 06 August 1999).]
Another company makes great Hayabusa Tank and Seat covers. "Bagster" / "Baglux" from France has a web site that you can access they also make color match tank bags. I own the tank cover it is really well constructed and deserves a look before you buy.

Second Look is nice too, but take a minute or two and check out the "Bagster" products.
I just installed my Second Look seat cover and it fits great. Everyone comments on how 'cool' it looks. There is only one minor problem... I slide around on it when accelerating or slowing down. Anyone else have this problem? I might also add that I am no lightweight at 189 lbs. It was quite an ordeal to get the staples in the plastic seat backing, something not mentioned in the instructions. So on that note I am hoping someone has a solution for this so that I can keep this seat cover.

[This message has been edited by asubayah (edited 11 August 1999).]