Purple Heart Busa

Wait now he is real, he's just very undercover at the moment. His contact to the *real* world consists of watching reruns of CHIPS.

Faclon Cop is on assignment with the MIB at Daytona Bike-Tober-Fest, giving out speeding tickets to ZX12r's and Busting the Drunks. So don't be mean he just keeps looking into the pen the wrong way when he hits the button.
Yeah - kind of weird stuff alright but should fit in nicely with the Halloween season, Don Knotts(Barney Fife) and the Ghost and Mr. Chicken! :)

I doubt very much that FC's first name is Barney, I think it's more like Skipper, or Biff.

Anyway, show some sensitivity, Like you said, Halloween is around the corner and the poor guy will be scared out of his whit's with all the kids in costumes running around.
Cant you just feel all the love in the air.

Got to love it.. :)

And they wounder why we like this site..

The good, The bad and Then FC LOL :) :)

Get Better..

PS that was # 69 on this string ..

[This message has been edited by mrabusa_h (edited 22 October 1999).]
FC, you do make this site more entertaining than it was while you were gone. Make it 62 posts. I say keep on typin'. I'll keep reading your posts. It's cheaper than National Enquirer!
Fellas, Turbo and Cisco are obviously right on the money. Might as well be good sports and let the guy go along for the cyber-ride.

Think about it...threw a 500+ lb. bike away on a bridge at 60 mph, it high-sided over onto the other side, full bodywork like the 'Busa has. But just a few scrapes, nothing to see in photos, no sense posting any pictures? Doesn't add up at all.

Might as well let him have his fun. It may be the only fun he has.
Bear, I like you,,you're a fun guy)))) :)

STOP !! STOP !! Hold on Folks,,Just Spoke to my lawyer on the phone and he asked Whether I should Really Give a S**T as to what a bunch of Strangers say from all over the Country :) )))))about what I did In NJ. I said Maybe you're right,,but I love these guys so,,they give me so much amusement & attention. 60+ Replys,,thanks guys..you all mean the World to me.

Please keep them coming,,It still hurts a bit to laugh,,but thats good in a way,,wait till you see the act I put on in court when I start to sue this Broad.,,OH thats right,,there was no crash,,according to you Expert investigators out there :)

And to think I actually lost sleep knowing that a few Strangers from hickville somewhere Don't believe me.,,tisk,,tisk :(

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Yes the cybercrash was terrible and we all hope your cyberlawer collects as much cybercash and you can possible cyberspend. Hope you are healing up from the cyberinjuries you substained on your cyberBusa. Cisco and I send our cyberprayers for a quick cyberrecovery.
falconcop is definitely a "local" cop if any due to his lack of professionalism. You are a disgrace with your attitude.
Just a reminder of my post above:

"Next will be his reply saying that he does'nt give a rat's butt about what I or anyone thinks...but the bottom line is that you'll NEVER SEE ANY HARD PROOF, just bluff and bluster."

Gee whiz, what a great prophet I turned out to be.

The Secret Life of Walter (aka FalconCop) Mitty :)
Aw come on Turbo, give credit where it's due. I called it first. :-)
I'm glad to see I'm not alone in my gerenal mistrust of people though.

Hey, people re-invent themselves as new, exciting characters on the web all the time. That has been going on as long as there has been a web. No harm in it, really.

I was kind of disappointed FC's last post didn't seem a little bit more pissed-off. I wanted to say "gotcha", he's running for the snags on the far bank near the rapids with my hook in his mouth. Didn't quite hook ya FC, but I know I was close. :)

BTW, a cop pulled me over on the way home from work tonite and warned me that my taillight was out. I thought about you...wondered if you actually do that stuff. La Mesa PD, cool cop.