New Member New Ride

OK let's get down to brass tackx.......where are the pics !!!!!

The last newbie who didn't post pics got to spend the day with MRS. Felt....

ImageShack Links Do Not Work
:welcome:...I believe there are several members from your neck o the woods.
What ride did you get? We must have pictures!
:welcome: aboard CharlesLewis01
Give us some info of yourself, how long you been riding, past bikes, mods on bike, ect... or atleast some pics...:thumbsup:
Of course its white. Everyone has a black motorcycle around home. There is a picture posted in my profile under My Hayabusa's. Thanks for the welcome here also. This android phone dosent wanna do right on this site and let me attach pics to this thread. No mods yet, so many options to choose from its crazy.