New Busa Owner in AK


What part of Alaska?
Go to a thread called "having fun in a ditch... Alaska" in random thoughts and you will see a couple of shots from Nikiski that I took while visiting my friends who live there.
Respect the power of the Busa and you will have loads of fun.
:welcome: once again to the addiction.

I'm from the "big city" Anchorage. I used to work close to Nikiski, I hope that you got a little fishing done while you were up here :thumbsup:
Anyhow, its a sunny 20 degree day, really gettin anxious to go ride!!

Woot! Welcome! I Just moved from Alaska, spent 3 years up there on military orders. I miss it to death. Can't wait to move back!! I was stationed up in fairbanks :welcome::welcome::welcome:
Woot! Welcome! I Just moved from Alaska, spent 3 years up there on military orders. I miss it to death. Can't wait to move back!! I was stationed up in fairbanks :welcome::welcome::welcome:

Fairbanks summers are awsome, I would love to explore the roads up there, might need to make a trip up there on the bike, its only 350 or so miles, should make a good break in trip!

:welcome: to org! I spent 3 years in Anchorage. Wonder how the good 'ol 'Koots is doin nowadays! :thumbsup: You're the man because I could not own a motorcycle in the A-K! Riding season is waaay too...short! :rofl:
Woot! Welcome! I Just moved from Alaska, spent 3 years up there on military orders. I miss it to death.

Well, I am glad you feel that way.....I could hardly wait to get out....Still waiting to get my cash together for a busa....but, the awesome weather here in Vegas is killing me w/out a bike.




here is my buddy AKDUC ripping Hatcher Pass....Turnagain is a great ride...but, after about 300 times per summer and the cops clamping down...Hatchers is about the only good twisties left in southcentral.
