New '09 Owner In Dallas Area


Hey all, I'm a new Busa Owner in Mesquite, Texas.

Bought my first new bike ever, Grey and Silver '09 Busa.

I have been riding for 17 yrs, but only cruisers until about 2 1/2 yrs ago when I picked up an '05 Honda CBR 1000RR. My two buds that I mainly ride with both have Busas, one an '05 and the other an '01. I got tired of always having to stop for gas when things were starting to get fun, so I have succumbed to the power of the dark side, and haven't looked back since!
Thanks, i feel all warm and fuzzy now:laugh:

I'll try to get some pics up, my camera is busted, but i got friend bringing her's over later.
Here we go, will get more after exhaust comes in.


I have relatives in Mesquite, and I too ride the '09 Gray/Silver, some may say mine is not the fastest color, but it sure is the Funnest.:laugh:
Ride her safe Bro.