McOrion busing himself soon


Hi fast people,

I am McOrion and tomorrow morning I will give final look to a March 2008 Busa2 with just 750Km and just 9.500km done.

I am 34 years old, live on highest european active volcano (Etna) and conduct my family business there as an hotel keeper.

About Busa price is incredibly fair and motorbike seems really to havan't been used in past months.

Tomorrow morning I will try to understand 'why'.

Why a Busa?

I hated first Hayabusa when around 2001 I bought my Bandit 600 S and empting my stomach every time I saw a Busa I began to discover I was looking for Busa a bit too much. At end I understood. I falled in love with it.

Few years ago I was very close to buy one but money dubts stopped me just a second before signign.

Then the darkness until Saturday evening.

Checked a website, seen a Busa08 close to my home and... seen it.

Yes, but, why a Busa?

Ok, I like touristic motorbikes.

Ok, I know.

Mine will be one of few Busas to be filled, packed and charged of tons of luggages, boxes and so on. A slow Busa. Yes. A travelling one, even if my girlfriend will never come with me and I probably will never do long distance travels like with Bandit.

...but then why a Busa?

I don't know why.

It's genetic. It's my motorbike since before engineers began to create it.

This bike will probably remain in my garage for next 30 years and I will use it most time slowly for short range travels.


Welcome! and after that first ride? I bet it sees more daylight than you think...

The Busa is a joy to ride, not at all an animal...
Welcome to the oRg. Cant wait for pictures! You are correct about it being a love affair.