Looking for a 4+ bedroom home near Baltimore


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As many of you know, I was laid off back in October and I accepted a position with KBE Building to build a Wal-Mart Expansion project in Hampstead, MD. I have been advised that KBE would like me to become a permanent employee and will be working around the Baltimore metropolitan area. I need to find a home with a little bit of elbow room within an hour driving time from Baltimore. My limit is $250K. Anyone have any recommendations?
Yeah...dont do it! Just kidding, I'm, glad you found a job and wish you the best of luck. I grew up in Maryland and HATED it.
I live in Catonsville, it's on the west side of Baltimore City. Taxes are cheaper in Baltimore county, may be the cheapest in the state. If you find some houses, shoot me the address and I'll tell you what I can about the area, driving distances etc.
2912 Trellis Lane, Abingdon MD - Trulia

Heres the search linky for you....now with that said, you're not gonna find too many houses for that price range in MD that are close to what you need and offer the room that you need. One thing you will find about MD is that its more expensive than Ohio.

21009 Single-Family Homes For Sale — Trulia.com

I am sending this link because it's from my area w 10 mile radius around me where the school system is pretty good, the area is pretty quiet and still with access to everything, you should know you've been there :laugh:

If i could seel you mine for 250K I would but thats waaaay lower than it's worth...witht hat said, lets talk, I may have a suitable alternative for you in the summer if you'd like:whistle: