Hillary 2008

not that I don't like her, I don't, but if she ever were elected. she would never make it to the innauguration. somebody radical would take her out.
If she becomes prez... i will be counting the days to retirement fosho!
A vote for her is a vote to put a giant "Kick Me" sign on our collective back.

Liberals...not a fan.
slick willie will make a great first lady but he will never fill hillary's shoes since she'd had more woman then he will ever every dream of having or would ever be with. and she knows how to please/pleasure a woman. he cannot even shoot it in a hole he missed with the fat ass monica.

hilary in 2008 is like saying terroists are great humane people.
A vote for her is a vote to put a giant "Kick Me" sign on our collective back.

Liberals...not a fan.
boy your an idiot...

kick me sign

did you not me a sign that says rob me and give it to lazy FUCKS in section 8 housing and wealfare I do not need money I work for a living they don't so they need it more than me, I worked for them to have it all and not have to work.
She won't win. Way too much baggage...and not to be chauvinistic but she is a women and even some liberals will not vote for her for that alone.
I saw a great bi-partisan bumper sticker the other day.

It says, "Run, Hillary, Run!"

Democrats put it on the back bumper.
Republicans put it on the front bumper......