Highwaymen rampant in US

OB_Jay Mack

You have to understand, here in the United States the roads are infested with Highwaymen calling themselves "police officers" or "State Troopers" whathave you. They visably carry guns so you're intimitated and know what your up against, hoping you'll be cowed to inaction. Based upon an arbitrary rational, for example if road construction abates and you start to move along or if your in the front of a traffic grouping, then if you don't submit to the proceedures they employ to confiscate your funds, ("fines" or "court costs" or "traffic school fees" whatever) it's the same, they will shoot you, dead. You really have no choice but to flee at top speed and hope you can get away, or they will have you. That's why I got the Hayabusa model motorcycle; it's reasonably quick.
Well over a century ago, pioneers made their way accross the country in wagons and on horse back. Robbers found these people to be easy pickins and robbed them at will. The people banded together and hired their own gunman to go before them and make the travel safe. We now had "lawman".

It didn't take too long for these "lawmen" to realize themselves that the travelers were "easy pickins", so they became the hiwayman.

That's the situation we now have today, with no one to protect us from the new hiwaymen.

Can you A.D.D. guys stay on task here? We have something like 200 posts on 2 threads on the same subject and now you've started a third.
Seems to me that there is some bullcrap sterotyping going on, guys.

We have a couple cops out here with us.

See new post "whos a HAULASS BUSA COP?"
Highway robbery - same today as it was back in the pioneer days. Better term than highwaymen would be holdupmen.
Traffic cops are minions, just trained tools of the enforcement arm of the societal machine that runs the road system. They are like ants in a nest, and they act, quite efficiently, in a similar stimulus-response mode.

You need to know the system, and behave within it in a way that does not trigger the response. It has very little to do with obeying traffic laws. It has everything to do with not triggering the enforcement arm of the system to notice you, and to respond to you.

The lady with the scales of justice has a blindfold on. That is an appropriate symbol. The legal system is a big meat grinder, not a justice system. The object of the game is to avoid getting pulled into it. The Busa is actually a very good implement, for allowing a savvy rider to ride how he likes, and to be practically invisible to the system. But you have to do it right.