High mileage busas

Carl, where did you take that pic of yourself at the "high" point? Is that Colorado?

I haven't synchronized my throttle bodies in a while. Maybe 10k miles. So it's running just a bit rough too. I have found that replacing the air cleaner, sparkplugs, and sync'ing goes a long way into smoothing things out.
It was on top of Mt Evans, one of the Colorado 14ers. It's a great road up to the viewpoint and a short hike to the very top. I was on a game run (do these things for points) and I was doing the Mt. Evans, Pikes Peak point captures. I had to have a pic of me at the top so I asked one of the folks to snap a quick pic of me with my bike in the background. Granted, it's a pinprick but the bike's down there in the parking lot next to the Harley

I cleaned the air cleaner last November I guess (K&N) and will be doing it again before bailing on the trip. Lots of maintenance on June 4th, new rubber, oil and filter change, air cleaner, spark plugs and a general checkout. This weekend I'll be replacing the front brake lines, mounting the 5 function digital doodad (volt meter, temp C/F, clock, lap timer, black ice), and installing the accessories plug. If I can find a reasonable external fuel pump (Purolator seems to be the most recommended but I'm still asking around) I might make the external fuel cell part of the fuel system.

geocities.com domain gone

I also want to check the valve shim clearances.

Lots of fun

My 99 has 45k and a turbo. These are tough bikes! I bought mine from a guy who did long road trips and drove it in all kinds of weather. When I got it thebike was covered in grunge. The plastics were clean enough but all of the metal parts were nasty. These bikes clean well too. All you need is a polishing wheel and about 40 cans of brake cleaner.
I loove your road trip pics. Beautiful bike! You're lucky yor wife like to ride with you. Mine made me stop after 10 miles because she couldn't stand the seat.

My 99 has 45k and a turbo. These are tough bikes! I bought mine from a guy who did long road trips and drove it in all kinds of weather. When I got it thebike was covered in grunge. The plastics were clean enough but all of the metal parts were nasty. These bikes clean well too. All you need is a polishing wheel and about 40 cans of brake cleaner.
I loove your road trip pics. Beautiful bike! You're lucky yor wife like to ride with you. Mine made me stop after 10 miles because she couldn't stand the seat.
Nice bike *thumbs up*

My wife likes the leaned over position but she also prefers having a backrest. She'll ride with me on shorter runs; around town or quick trips up into the mountains for example. Next weekend we're going down to Santa Fe and it'll be her first long ride on the back. But I also have the external cell so she'll be able to lean back as well as forward.

That's her Honda scooter in front of my bike (the green and beige) and she's looking for a smaller sportbike so she doesn't have to ride on the back of mine. Being short though, she's having trouble finding something that she's comfortable on.

After this past winter, I broke out the toothbrush and Honda Cleaner and did a stem to stern cleaning. And of course, a week later it rained
No worries though. Because I ride all the time, I expect it to get dirty (it was a pain that a few days later it got dirty yet again


Just turned <span style='color:red'>96,321 on my 2000 (Red/Gray)</span> same bikes yours. I have 8,877 on my 2005 (Red/Black). I
ride my 2000 to work daily. My 2005 gets the lake
run every weekend. Love both. No major problems.
Just blew a front fork seal on the 2005. Getting it
fixed this weekend. Not sure how happened.