got my pazzo levers installed!!

yup, clear alternatives front and rear smoked lenses, just installed those a few weeks ago and they look awesome. I ordered mine through pashnit, $190 with the clutch lever engraved on the backside (hayabusa), and free shipping. Very quick shipping, ordered them sunday and had them on thursday
I ordered the clutch side to match the new master cylinders right side, but had to add a matching pazzo to the new master (already new lever)! Modded a new part that is already new before I even got. I like trying to keep things balanced in look while keeping my cost down. I want better braking performance, but added the levers to give a balanced look. Went with the pazzos based on what everyone seems to have said about them! Hope they rock!:whistle:
good choic. I love mine so far, they are so much more comfortable than the stockers, and look awesome. Can't believe i didn't do this mod a while ago, along with my hid kit i just installed
Mine came in today! Butn o time for pictures or installation! been working on an 09 cbr 1k!