Detroit Ruins

This entire country may look like that soon. There is not an old country in earth that has not gone thru several if not many internal upheavals and complete destruction only to be rebuilt again. What makes this one any different? I'm curious to see if the USA last thousands of years like other countries have.
I can see a great campaign ad against a 2nd term for Obama.....

All of that was a result of President Obama and his first term wow? Who would have thought the social and economic conditions that it takes to create a city of impoverished citizens and collapse of infrastructure could be done in 3 years ??? :rofl:
All of that was a result of President Obama and his first term wow? Who would have thought the social and economic conditions that it takes to create a city of impoverished citizens and collapse of infrastructure could be done in 3 years ??? :rofl:

No, not President Obama personally, but certainly against the platform his party supports. Detroit has been run byUnion Democrats for the last 50 years, and it looks like it.

"This is your country" (insert great pics of the US)
"This is your country on Socialism" (OP pics)
This entire country may look like that soon. There is not an old country in earth that has not gone thru several if not many internal upheavals and complete destruction only to be rebuilt again. What makes this one any different? I'm curious to see if the USA last thousands of years like other countries have.

Lighten up Dude, if we crash the Dollar will go way South and Detroit will buzz once again.

What that did, is it forced both GM and Ford to become competitive again, with improved products.
What that did said:
Maybe, but tell it to the stockholders and the unsecured trade creditors who lost their azz. I would add the bondholders, union employees and pensioners, but uh..they got paid..with your tax dollars...

The only reason Ford didn't need/get a bailout is because they hocked everything they had in '06....