Board Obsession

Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.
Dont do it man.  Ive been married for about 5 mths....worst mistake of my life i hate it.  Also you know how older guys say sex stops and your like no your just too old to have sex....Well im 23 and have the hardest time getting sex.  Sometimes i feel like a perv cause i have to cop a free feel in teh middle of the night while she's sleep.  Oh TMI huh...well dont do it
Yeah, I'm 23 also.  The problem is she turns 25 on Thursday so she thinks that she's getting old.  I'm just not all about getting married anytime soon, or even thinking about it.  I just want to live my life and have fun.
Hey bud YOUR fun ends and OUR fun begins


No video games, motorcycle riding, or auto tv shows. just make over TV and American IDOL
Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.
Dont do it man. Ive been married for about 5 mths....worst mistake of my life i hate it. Also you know how older guys say sex stops and your like no your just too old to have sex....Well im 23 and have the hardest time getting sex. Sometimes i feel like a perv cause i have to cop a free feel in teh middle of the night while she's sleep. Oh TMI huh...well dont do it
Yeah, I'm 23 also. The problem is she turns 25 on Thursday so she thinks that she's getting old. I'm just not all about getting married anytime soon, or even thinking about it. I just want to live my life and have fun.
Hey bud YOUR fun ends and OUR fun begins


No video games, motorcycle riding, or auto tv shows. just make over TV and American IDOL
That's just too funny. I also like video games and auto tv shows, and obviously motorcycle riding. And she's into that Extreme Makeover and American Idol stuff.
Don't feel bad, I use to get it all the time too.....but now she knows not to talk to me or say anything when I'm on the Forum's!

My best advice is to get her online and involved in something she likes also.....  Now that my girl is on the wedding forums, she can't say anything to me about my motorcycle obsession!

Plus, I got her liking the 04 SE and now she wants a RED Busa!
Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.  I wish I could get her into liking a bike, but she's too afraid of them to ride one on her own.

At least get her interested and take her for a ride on your bike.  Make sure you DON'T SCARE HER!  Just take her on a nice and easy ride and get her liking bikes.  Trust me, your life will be a lot nicer/easier down the road......esp. when you are looking to MOD it!  
I guess I didn't explain that statement enough.  She's not afraid of riding them, she likes to ride with me on the back.  She just would never ride one on her own.
That's NO problem, some women are justing happier on the back then piloting there own. Some want the freedom, others just want to spend time with you and be "your" girl on the back!

It's no big deal, she just needs to understand when it's "guy" bike time and "couple" bike time! Just make sure you balance them and things will be great!

Otherwise, find her a hobby besides "YOU!"

Don't feel bad, I use to get it all the time too.....but now she knows not to talk to me or say anything when I'm on the Forum's!

My best advice is to get her online and involved in something she likes also..... Now that my girl is on the wedding forums, she can't say anything to me about my motorcycle obsession!

Plus, I got her liking the 04 SE and now she wants a RED Busa!
Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married. I wish I could get her into liking a bike, but she's too afraid of them to ride one on her own.

At least get her interested and take her for a ride on your bike. Make sure you DON'T SCARE HER! Just take her on a nice and easy ride and get her liking bikes. Trust me, your life will be a lot nicer/easier down the road......esp. when you are looking to MOD it!
I guess I didn't explain that statement enough. She's not afraid of riding them, she likes to ride with me on the back. She just would never ride one on her own.
That's NO problem, some women are justing happier on the back then piloting there own. Some want the freedom, others just want to spend time with you and be "your" girl on the back!

It's no big deal, she just needs to understand when it's "guy" bike time and "couple" bike time! Just make sure you balance them and things will be great!

Otherwise, find her a hobby besides "YOU!"

Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.
Dont do it man.  Ive been married for about 5 mths....worst mistake of my life i hate it.  Also you know how older guys say sex stops and your like no your just too old to have sex....Well im 23 and have the hardest time getting sex.  Sometimes i feel like a perv cause i have to cop a free feel in teh middle of the night while she's sleep.  Oh TMI huh...well dont do it
You know, that is a shame...just 5 months and you already have those feelings?

I've been with Mike for over 20 years hasn't been easy or pretty...lots of bumps in the road and still a few to overcome, but at 5 months, we were still just happy to finally be married...

Might want to think about counseling...if she gets 1/2 of your stuff, you might have to sell the Busa!
I'm kidding...just sad to hear you say that...
Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.
Dont do it man.  Ive been married for about 5 mths....worst mistake of my life i hate it.  Also you know how older guys say sex stops and your like no your just too old to have sex....Well im 23 and have the hardest time getting sex.  Sometimes i feel like a perv cause i have to cop a free feel in teh middle of the night while she's sleep.  Oh TMI huh...well dont do it
Yeah, I'm 23 also.  The problem is she turns 25 on Thursday so she thinks that she's getting old.  I'm just not all about getting married anytime soon, or even thinking about it.  I just want to live my life and have fun.
Hey bud YOUR fun ends and OUR fun begins


No video games, motorcycle riding, or auto tv shows. just make over TV and American IDOL
It's so funny to hear you saying this...that's me! Only I'm not the ball and chain...HE IS!
He gets to go and do whatever he It's like pulling teeth to do anything I want to "us time" is me and the kids...

Yeah, him was right! Run!!!!
Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.
Dont do it man.  Ive been married for about 5 mths....worst mistake of my life i hate it.  Also you know how older guys say sex stops and your like no your just too old to have sex....Well im 23 and have the hardest time getting sex.  Sometimes i feel like a perv cause i have to cop a free feel in teh middle of the night while she's sleep.  Oh TMI huh...well dont do it
Yeah, I'm 23 also.  The problem is she turns 25 on Thursday so she thinks that she's getting old.  I'm just not all about getting married anytime soon, or even thinking about it.  I just want to live my life and have fun.
Hey bud YOUR fun ends and OUR fun begins


No video games, motorcycle riding, or auto tv shows. just make over TV and American IDOL
him and IL_BusaBoy,

Sounds like you guys need to meet and get your other half to meet each other! They sound like they would be good friends and then you guys could go out on the BUSA's!

Once they know they aren't the only one dealing with the Hayabusa obsession, they might get over it!
Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.
Dont do it man. Ive been married for about 5 mths....worst mistake of my life i hate it. Also you know how older guys say sex stops and your like no your just too old to have sex....Well im 23 and have the hardest time getting sex. Sometimes i feel like a perv cause i have to cop a free feel in teh middle of the night while she's sleep. Oh TMI huh...well dont do it
Yeah, I'm 23 also. The problem is she turns 25 on Thursday so she thinks that she's getting old. I'm just not all about getting married anytime soon, or even thinking about it. I just want to live my life and have fun.
Hey bud YOUR fun ends and OUR fun begins


No video games, motorcycle riding, or auto tv shows. just make over TV and American IDOL
him and IL_BusaBoy,

Sounds like you guys need to meet and get your other half to meet each other! They sound like they would be good friends and then you guys could go out on the BUSA's!

Once they know they aren't the only one dealing with the Hayabusa obsession, they might get over it!
Hmmm. Sounds like an idea.
Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.
Dont do it man.  Ive been married for about 5 mths....worst mistake of my life i hate it.  Also you know how older guys say sex stops and your like no your just too old to have sex....Well im 23 and have the hardest time getting sex.  Sometimes i feel like a perv cause i have to cop a free feel in teh middle of the night while she's sleep.  Oh TMI huh...well dont do it
Yeah, I'm 23 also.  The problem is she turns 25 on Thursday so she thinks that she's getting old.  I'm just not all about getting married anytime soon, or even thinking about it.  I just want to live my life and have fun.
Hey bud YOUR fun ends and OUR fun begins


No video games, motorcycle riding, or auto tv shows. just make over TV and American IDOL
him and IL_BusaBoy,

Sounds like you guys need to meet and get your other half to meet each other!  They sound like they would be good friends and then you guys could go out on the BUSA's!

Once they know they aren't the only one dealing with the Hayabusa obsession, they might get over it!
Hmmm.  Sounds like an idea.
No kidding. im down if you are
And thanks for the advice as far as what makes her happy is me sitting on the couch doing nutin with her. Thats it as long as im not on teh PC shes the rosiest person in the world. But once i long on then the penut gallery starts....your gay, fag, queer talkin to guys all day.
VA busa i've done my research... i have 6yrs before she gets anything so i have some time and as long as i keep our accounts seperate she has no right to whats in them Muhahahahahaha!
No kidding.  im down if you are
And thanks for the advice as far as what makes her happy is me sitting on the couch doing nutin with her.  Thats it as long as im not on teh PC shes the rosiest person in the world. But once i long on then the penut gallery starts....your gay, fag, queer talkin to guys all day.
VA busa i've done my research... i have 6yrs before she gets anything so i have some time and as long as i keep our accounts seperate she has no right to whats in them Muhahahahahaha!

You're killing me! No really, I'm crying here...

"...what makes her happy is me sitting on the cough doing nutin with her..."

You are too funny...what you need to do is get her riding, then let her obsess over a bike like you do...
You are too funny...what you need to do is get her riding, then let her obsess over a bike like you do...
Man if she rides than i lose my only escape... She says she wants to but nvr follows up on anything. Like last year when we were riding she was all gung ho about getting a bike when she started working. Now that she started working she says shes gonna pay she's gonna end her debt in a year, and like my as is supposed to pay for everything while she hoards money...I dont think so.
I was digging through some quotes, trying to find some new ones for my sig line and ran across this one. I thought it was quite fitting to this thread.

"I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury."
- George Burns
You are too funny...what you need to do is get her riding, then let her obsess over a bike like you do...
Man if she rides than i lose my only escape... She says she wants to but nvr follows up on anything.  Like last year when we were riding she was all gung ho about getting a bike when she started working. Now that she started working she says shes gonna pay she's gonna end her debt in a year, and like my as is supposed to pay for everything while she hoards money...I dont think so.
Plan a weekend getaway.  Just you and her, on the Busa.  Tell her that you want to go out of town for the weekend (but don't tell her where, or on what).  Do it as a surprise, and have some flowers waiting for her at the destination.  It doesn't have to be anything expensive.  Just do it!

If she is really open to riding, your life with her will change!  She'll either love it, or hate it.  No in between!  I bet you'll have tons of funs riding with her there.

I wish my wife would ride with me, but she's not into it.  I found that out by doing what I'm suggesting.  My wife doesn't ride, but she supports my habits (maybe that'll change later)!  
We're going on 5 years, and we're still going strong.  True, it's NOT EASY, but it's worth it!


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Yeah, she bugs me all the time also about getting married.
Dont do it man.  Ive been married for about 5 mths....worst mistake of my life i hate it.  Also you know how older guys say sex stops and your like no your just too old to have sex....Well im 23 and have the hardest time getting sex.  Sometimes i feel like a perv cause i have to cop a free feel in teh middle of the night while she's sleep.  Oh TMI huh...well dont do it
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, as one of those older guys.
Sex only increases, and is enhanced for both. If not something is wrong....... Neither man or woman should feel it is forced or something they have to do. 5 months I would get her to go to a Marriage Councilor. I am sure there is plenty of hot blood that got you hitched to begin with. Patch it up try to get it to work for both of you, before you toss it.
Well i think its cause she has these new friends and i guess they dont like the fact that she doesnt own me like they own their mane anyway it seems like after talking to them she gets the...YOu can get any attitude. So im like fug it oh well